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There would be no sexual reproduction.

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Q: What would happen if meiosis did not occur?
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What would happen if meiosis would not occur?

There would be no sexual reproduction.

What would happen if meiosis did not occur to produce sex cells?

the chromosome number would double in every generation

What would happen if meiosis did not occur and produce sex cells?

Multicellurar life would end with the current generation.

What happen if meiosis did not occur to produce sex cells?

the chromosome number would double in every generation

What would happen during a plants life cycle if meiosis did not occur?

We'd die from lack of reproduction.

What would happen if meiosis doesn't occur in sexual reproduction?

Meiosis is the most important biological process in all advanced plants and animals. If this process did not occur, the production of the sex cells would not occur. This is also referred to as a type of chromosome reduction division. Hence, that is how the sexual cells (gametes) have only half the number of chromosomes as the other body cells of that organism. So if meiosis didn't occur, sexual reproduction could not occur.

When does duplication of chromosomes occur?

when does the duplication of chromosomes occur?

What would happen to the chromosome number in the offspring if meiosis did not occur?

we will get a zygote with triploid chromosomal content,but this case is inviable so the embryo will die after a certain period.

What will happen if meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms?

If meiosis did not occur then the chromosome number would double each generation, and the cell could not survive with this increasingly larger number of chromosomes.

If meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms?

If meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms, the chromosome number would double in each generation. Sexual reproduction results in new combinations of genetic traits.

When a child has Trisomy when does the mutation occur?

during meiosis

What happens in meiosis that does not occur in meiosis?

One thing that happens in meiosis that does not occur in meiosis is that produces 2 cellular divisions. This occurs as a direct result of sexual reproduction.