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Certain factors do help food decay faster. Generally, it is natural environments. When food is packed tightly in landfills, it does not decay at a regular pace. When exposed to air, bacteria, sunlight, and water, however, the food particles will begin to break down faster. Also, animals or insects will come and eat the food away, too.

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Q: What would make food decay happen faster?
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What would happen if dead food would not decay?

you could eat it

why wet food decay faster than dry food?

Bacteria (which make your food decay) need moisture to live and they thrive in it!

Why does food decay not always happen at the same rate?

It depends on the temperature and the room condition of which the food is in at the time . Usually the warmer the room is, the faster the food will decay. Also some microorganisms may die or move to other foods during the process of decaying.

Why do wet foods decay faster than dry foods?

Bacteria (which make your food decay) need moisture to live and they thrive in it!

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yes moister is a good place for mold and bacteria to grow.

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yes because it can decay the food

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Is another word for decay.?

Rot and decomposition are words for decay. Another word for tooth decay is cavity. Cavities happen as a result of the production of acid by bacterial fermentation of food debris accumulated on the tooth surface.

How fast does it takes for fast foods vs healthy food to decay?

I don't know but don't try it either but I think fast foods decay faster because of greasy fat cells

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The enzyme in saliva is amylase.A catalyst make a reaction happen faster.

What would happen if decay didn't happen?

Dead bodies, plants, etc. would build up in piles.Plants would run out of the organic nutrients that they need and can't make with photosynthesis and then die.When enough plants died the animals that ate them would starve. They would then die.When enough prey animals died the predator animals that ate them would starve. They would then die.Everything living would then die.But this is impossible as the decomposers (e.g. bacteria, fungi) that cause decay of dead things are only eating their "food" too. The more dead things lying around the more "food" they have and they would flourish.

What will happen if there is no food for dolphins?

The same thing that would happen to humans if we had no food.