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Eating disorder shvae existed for thousands of years (the first began to be officially diganosed in the late 1800s and early 1900s). As of the 1990s forwards, especially in the 2005+ years, a sharp rise of eating disorders has begun to be seen.

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Eating disorder have always been really dagerous and "bad" for people.

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Anorexia became medically diagnoseable in the US in the early 1900s (in Europe in 1880), but it was not commonly diganosed or understood by the general public for a few more decades.

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Q: What year did eating disorders start becoming more common?
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Why do teens start eating disorders?

Teen's don't "start" eating disorders. Eating disorders are a very serious disease that commonly occurs in teens as well as adults. However, they're are some teens that pretend to have one because they think it's cool or they'll get noticed but the majority of people that have eating disorders are really sick.

What age do people have eating disorders?

Eating disorders are most common problems of today world. And it can be at any age. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders quotes some disturbing facts regarding eating disorders: 8,000,000 or more people in the United States have an eating disorder, 90% are women. Victims may be rich or poor. Eating disorders usually start in the teens but may begin as early as age 8.

What age to eating disorders start?

Bulimia, along with most other eating disorders, occur the most in the teenage years to the mid-20s. They can still happen after that, but it is less common. Generally, it doesn't happen much before that range, though.

How to Treat Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are conditions in which a person is so preoccupied with weight and food that they can focus on little else. There a three main types of eating disorders which are bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and anorexia. Eating disorders can cause life threatening health and physical problems. The majority of eating disorder patients are females although males also have the illness. Treatments for eating disorders typically involve nutrition education, medications, counseling, hospitals and psychotherapy. Nutrition Education If you are overweight due to an eating disorder, the best place to start on the road to health is to get back to a healthy weight. Dieticians and health care providers can help design a healthy diet and eating plan to help achieve a healthy weight no matter what your weight. Medically supervised weight-loss programs are beneficial for those that have binge-eating disorder. Medications Although medications can’t cure an eating disorder, but medications can help you control binges, purges and preoccupations with diet and food. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can help with symptoms of anxiety or depression that are frequently associated with eating disorders. Psychotherapy Individual therapy can help a person learn to switch unhealthy eating habits for healthy ones. Monitoring eating and your moods as well as developing problem-solving skills are learned through psychotherapy. It can also improve your mood and relationships with those around you. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most commonly used for eating disorders. There is also group therapy that is available for some people. Hospitalization For the more serious cases of eating disorders, such as anorexia or refusing to eat, hospitalization may be required. Medical and psychiatric wards are the most common facilities for those that have eating disorders. When hospitalized with an eating disorder, you will be closely monitored. There are some clinics that specialize in eating disorders and offer out-patient treatment and day programs. Programs specializing in eating disorders offer more extensive treatment over long periods of time.

Why are models getting eating disorders?

Pressure to get thin from bosses, designers , other models and public perceptions . Don't fall into the trap , once you start, an eating disorder can perpetuate itself and you lose control.

How many people overcome eating disorders?

About 60% will eventually come to terms and fully recover from their eating disorders eventually. After the 1st time of treatment, only about 30% fully recover. As time goes on, more people with eating disroders begin to fully recover from the disease.

What are the symptoms of becoming a cat?

First symptom is generally more frequent meowing, along with that you may start eating a lot of cat food

Can eating disorders be fatal?

Yes. Anorexia. You can starve to death. Look up "eating disorders" on google or any search engine to research it more. Not just Anorexia Nervosa. 3 people in the U.S. alone die everyday from complications of their eating disorder (most common being ED-NOS [include binge ED] and bulimia nervosa) usually from electrolyte imbalances (cardiac arrest) or suicide.

What do you do if you think you may have an eating disorder?

Eating disorders are mostly psychological. The two main eating disorders are anorexia, when a person eats very small amounts of food and thinks they're overweight when they really aren't, and bulimia, when a person over eats and then tries to make up for it by throwing up. If this is happening to talk to a doctor, and most importantly, your parents.

How do you write a report on eating disorders?

Start by reviewing a copy of the latest DSM to get definitions. Read the full version and not the pocket version. You may get some statistics on various disorders and this will get you going. Then research each disorder separately. Be sure to dig around until you get information on effective treatments.

Dealing with Adolescent Eating Disorders?

Eating Disorders and TeenagersEating disorders are gradually becoming a well-known problem that parents and family need to face when it occurs in any family. Adolescents are at a stage when they are particularly at risk of developing disordered eating habits and parents need to help their children get through these times to avoid having the problem continue. Dealing with adolescent eating disorders is tough, but worth the effort when they start practicing healthy eating habits.Medical TreatmentAdolescents who are suffering from eating disorders must see a doctor to check them for imbalances of nutrients in the blood and other health conditions to prevent cardiac arrest or other serious health problems. This is one component to working through the problem.Nutritional Treatment and EducationHaving nutritional treatment and providing the adolescent with nutritional education helps get them back into healthy eating habits. The treatment is based around individual needs such as regaining weight or balancing minerals and vitamins to avoid problems from purging. Nurses and nutritional specialists often perform this treatment.Psychological TreatmentEating disorders are usually psychological in nature and thus need treatment from a psychologist or psychiatrist to help get to the root of the problem and work out the fears or causes of the disorder.Adolescents who are suffering from an eating disorder need a program to beat the disorder and get back into healthy habits. Treatment is often tough, but getting treatment as soon as possible helps improve the success rate of eventually having normal eating habits. More information is available about the options parents have is discussed in the video.

How can you lose weight fast in high school?

Just diet. But don't stop eating. Start eating healthier. I've read that if you eat every 2-3 hours (healthy things of course) that your body will not have to store fat. So you might want to try that. I do not recommend taking up any eating disorders.