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If you are talking about the pill, yes. The pill does play with a womans hormaones like crazy and depending on how long you've been taking it, you can go through a lot of problems coming off it. Nothing to worry about, just annoying things.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

I have only been on Birth Control for a month (Ocella), it made me nausea and tired all the time. also very bad mood swings. While on the pill I had my period for 26/28 days. Since stopping the pill, however, I have yet to actually get my period back. I have read that it can take 1-3 months after stopping the pill to start ovulating and getting your period back to normal. Does this still happen for people who have only taken the pill for 1 month? I am only a week late than I usually am. My face has broken out, I have lower Back pain, and breast tenderness, all my normal menstrual symptoms, just without the period!
i was on the pill for 4 yrs, as soon as i stopped taking the pill i had a period.i have had regular and on time periods since. But i do think it varies with each individual. Hope this helps
I was on Depo-Provera for 9 months. It's been 3 months since I stopped using it for birth control and I haven't gotten a period yet.

Not having to worry about taking birth control daily did not make up for the side-effects I endured (thinning hair and a 70-pound weight gain). My doctor has told me that it could take up to a year to get a normal period.
It can take anywhere from a few days to a week or more. If it takes too long to arrive, you may want to talk to your gynecologist.
After you stop the pill, patch, or ring, you typically have some withdrawal bleeding. If you don't start the next pack, your body will get ready to ovulate again. If your periods were regular before using the pill, patch, or ring, you will probably get a period 4-6 weeks after your withdrawal bleeding. If they were irregular before using hormonal birth control, you'll probably go back being irregular.
Not necessarily. You may start your period early or spot. However, you should start your period at the usual time with no problems. If there are any problems, call your doctor.
Yes you may get longer, heavier periods. Until your body gets back to it's usual function minus the birth control there is a good chance your period will be effected.
if you have been on birth control for years then it can take 3-6 months to straighten out good luck
It can take anything from 4 weeks to a year for birth control toleave your body it depends on your system


I have been taking the pill for over 10 years, and stopped taking just over 10 weeks ago. I still havent got my first normal period! and have taken 3 preg tests so it cant be that! we are being careful anyway. does anyone know how long is normal until you get your first normal period after stopping the pill? Thanks.


I stopped taking the pill and my period didn't come back straight away either. I googled it and heard anything up to 3 months was normal, so I waited 3 months before going to my doctor. At 3 months, my doctor did some hormone blood tests (they came back showing my hormone levels were normal, but if they were abnormal she would have prescribed medication) and told me that everyone is different. Some girls get their period the very next day, most get it within 3 months, but its still normal to have to wait up to 12 months. She told me to come back at the 6 month mark for more blood tests if I still hadn't gotten my period.

6 months to the day, I got my period. Glad that's over and done with!

If you haven't already done so, you should go to your doctor for a checkup and blood tests, but also know that it is within normal boundaries until you hit the 12 month mark.


Within a month.


Every one is different but for me, I just got off birth control - i only took it for 4 days because it made me so sick -and what do u know --2 days later I'm on my period again and it's so weird cause i just got off my period 2 weeks ago.


I was taking birth control for years. I stopped taking them second week on a Saturday and It came exactly one week later.When I was suppose to get it.


I have been on BCP for 8 years and stopping taking it in January about 11 months ago. I had irregular periods for about 8 months but havn't gotten my period since August, 3 months. I too have taken pregnancy tests and all are negative and always use condoms with my boyfriend. I'm getting a little nervous about going 3 months but sinc eyou posted 12 months can happen I am set at ease a little.
I stopped taking cerazette 10 weeks ago and I still haven't had a period. I spoke to my doctor and she said it can vary from person to person and can take anything from 3 months to a year to return!

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Q: My period came on three days after i stop using birth control is that normal?
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How late can your period be if your on the birth control pill?

about three days into your 'white' section of your pills is still normal

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you should be having a full period if you miss more than three days

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A three-day period may be your new normal, may be a fluke due to recently stopping birth control, or may be due to pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

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yes you can just take the birth control, when you stop your period should start three to four days after.

What if you get your period early on birth control?

Normal side effect of starting birth control. It is common in the first three cycles. If it keeps occurring into the fourth cycle, or is troublesome to you at any time, contact your health care provider for advice.

Is it normal to have your period for 1 day after being on birth control pills for two weeks?

Yes, unscheduled bleeding is a common side effect in the first three months of birth control pill use. Continue taking your pills as scheduled.

Can you take one birth control pill to stimulate your period?

The birth control pill will not stimulate or jump start your period. Talk to your health care provider if your period is more than three months late.

Is it normal to bleed two weeks after period while on birth control?

It is common to have breakthrough bleeding in the first three cycles of pill use. It normally gets better with time.

If you started birth control patch three weeks after your period When will you get your next period?

u will most likely to get your period while on the patch which is not good for u.

If you started birth control about a month ago and was spotting the 2ncd week for about 5 days Is this normal and will you get a period this week on the sugar pills?

The "period" you are refeerring to is not a period it is breakthrough bleedinga nd yes this is normal to occur within the first three months of starting any form of hormonal birth control it should go away within in 3 months and if not get to your doctor so they can try a different brand of birth control pills that your body will respond to better and yes you should get your period while on the sugar pills if you don't get to your doctor and have them do a pregnancy test hope everything works out for you Good Luck and God Bless!!!

Why did you get your period 2 days after stopping your pill?

That's normal. Just as stopping the active pills (typically after three weeks) leads to period-like withdrawal bleeding, stopping your birth control pills at any time in the cycle may lead to period-like withdrawal bleeding.

If you took your pill like three days into your period even though you hadnt stopped bleeding yet how long will it take for the bleeding to stop Will your birth control cause your period to stop?

Hi, Yes birth control will cause your period to stop within 48 hours.