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if she is mean to you or if she either twirls her hair or smiles real smug

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Q: When do you know that a woman is interested to you?
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When do you know a woman like you?

If you are interested in her as well talk with her and ask her out.

How do you tell if a woman is interested in a personal relationship or only a professional relationship.?

If they are really interested in you they will tell you or leave enough clues that you know for certain.

What is the meaning if a woman say ' I am not interested?

if a women answers that she is not interested, she clearly is not interested, dont take it as a joke or a flirt or you may come to resent it. there are ways to impress a woman but if she is not interested dont bother.

Is a woman interested if she keeps poking on Facebook?

It could mean she's interested ..... hehehe.......

How do you keep a woman interested?

heh heh...

What do you call a woman who dates both men and woman?

A woman who is interested in men and other woman romantically/sexually is bisexual.

What does it mean when a man tells a woman to take care at the end of a first date?

It is a polite way of letting you know he is not interested in going further with you. Sorry, but this happened to me so thats why I know.

Does a man gives a girl phone calls with no particular reasons just to say hi or talking in anything and in the same time he seems interesting to know her news?

Usually if a man is phoning a woman, he is interested in getting to know her better. Men by nature do not call women they are not interested in.

How do you get a 'woman'?

To get a woman, you should be confident and respectful. You should also make an effort to talk to any woman you are interested in.

Is a woman interested still if she cut lunch short and has not phoned you since you kissed?

Yes, I think the woman could still be interested she just might be afraid of something. Maybe you should give he a call, ask would she like to meet somewhere so you to could talk. If she say no, then try later if you really would like to get to know her better or if you don't move on find someone that you been wanting to get to know. But i still think she still interested in you.

What are signs a woman is interested?

She keeps asking you out. :P

How can you tell if a woman is interested in you?

If she ask for dates. And if she is found of you.