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In 1973, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objective was to develop communication protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks. This was called the Inter-netting project and the system of networks which emerged from the research was known as the "internet." The system of protocols which was developed over the course of this research effort became known as the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, after the two initial protocols developed: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).

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The Internet was originally developed by DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, as a means to share information on defense research between involved universities and defense research facilities. Originally it was just email and FTP sites as well as the Usenet where scientists could question and answer each other. It was originally called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork). The concept was developed starting in 1964, and the first messages passed were between UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute in 1969. Leonard Kleinrock of MIT had published the first paper on packet switching theory in 1961. Since networking computers was new to begin with, standards were being developed on the fly. Once the concept was proven, the organizations involved started to lay out some ground rules for standardization.

For purists, it may be worth noting that the term "internet" implies more than one network, the ARPAnet was a single network and multiple networks were not actually connected until somewhat later (e.g., NSFnet), creating an "internet".

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15y ago

The Internet began as a Cold War project to create a communications network that was immune to a nuclear attack. In the 1969, the US government created ARPANET, connecting four western universities and allowing researchers to use the mainframes of any of the networked institutions. October 29, 1969, the laboratory of professor Leonard Kleinrock at the University of California at Los Angeles gave birth to the Internet. Besides Kleinrock, Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf and Lawrence G. Roberts were the three men considered key to what today is known as the Internet. Kahn is president of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, a not-for-profit organization devoted to research for the nation's information infrastructure. Cerf is MCI's senior vice president for Internet architecture and technology, and Roberts is president and CEO of, a communications-switching research firm.

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it was introduced during the mid 1990's for the public use.

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Q: When was the internet introduced for the public to use?
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It first introduced in 1961 by Leonard Kleinrock. But it didnt become public until the 1990s.

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