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No, he/she or both goes to sleep whenever he/she is tired.

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Q: When your pregnant Does the baby sleep when you sleep?
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Why should a pregnant woman sleep?

because sleep is necessary for health, without the sleep her baby may not be as healthy

How can i get a good night sleep at night while the im pregnant and the baby kicking?

just sleep

Why pregnant mother to be advised to sleep on the right side?

Actually you're supposed to sleep on your left side. That allows maximum blood flow to the uterus and your baby.

Do Tundra wolves sleep near water when the mother is pregnant?

Yes, when a female is pregnant or have had their baby they need to drink. They can't walk far away from their baby. The male is usually getting food when the female drinks.

Do pregnant women always sleep with their back up?

yes because you don't want to hit the baby with the bed

How do you know if you sim is pregnant on The Sims 2?

You can tell after they have Whoo Hoo and you hear like a baby sound that mean she will get pregnant and if she starts throwing up after eating and shes not getting enough sleep or eating at all she is probobly pregnant. But you will know for sure when the screen zooms in on her and there is a baby bump! The baby will be there in 3 days! Hope this helped bye

If you are unsure that you are pregnant which is the best way to sleep?

You can sleep in any position you want whether pregnant or not.

Why do women sleep a lot when they are pregnant?

It takes a lot of energy to grow a baby inside of you. You also have 50% more blood which the heart have to pump around.

I am 34 weeks pregnant and I am very uncomfortable is it ever going to be here?

Hang in there. 37 weeks is considered full term. enjoy being pregnant , sleep as much as you can, you will miss it when the baby is here. Hope this helps.

Is it okay to be sleep deprived while pregnant?

I found that when i was pregnant with my daughter i needed as much sleep as possible. Try and sleep as often as you can to keep your strength up

Does tulisa have a baby?

She does have a baby and is she pregnant.

How many days are you pregnant before you have the baby?

You are pregnant for 9 months before you have the baby.