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A:Perhaps the best proof that Jesus is not the Jewish messiah is that none of the Old Testament scriptures ever refers to Jesus, either by name or in any way that unambiguously identifies him. Christians, from the gospel authors onwards, have sought to link Jesus with various passages in the Hebrew scriptures, but it requires strong faith or willing acceptance to see the parallels. We will not find any Old Testament passages that assert positively that Jesus is not the messiah, simply because the Old Testament was written before Jesus was born; also the notion of a Jewish messiah is largely external to the Old Testament.

Of course, if Jesus is the son of God, as Christians assert, then it matters not whether he was the longed-for messiah. However, even this claim must be taken on faith, and faith alone.

If you wish to read a Jewish rebuttal for the claim that Jesus is the Messiah, please see the Related Questions linked to below.

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Q: Where can you find Old Testament scriptures to prove Jesus is not the Jewish messiah?
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The Old Testament scriptures came first, then Jesus, and then the New Testament scriptures were written after his death and resurrection.

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In the Old Testament a Messiah was promised by God to come into the world. In the New Testament the Messiah arrives, that Messiah is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This is what basically links the Old Testament to the New Testament.

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the old testament is all of the scriptures of the hebrew or jewish religon, during jesus' time the four gospels (mathew,mark,luke and john) were all written as accounts of jesus' life. the old and new testaments are the scriptures of christianity, so jewish beliefs use only the old testament, and the new testament was written and combined with the old testament during jesus' time. there is no exact date for when they were combined, but around and not to far off of the time of jesus' death is about when.

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Christians believe that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Jews disagree.

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How did Jewish people view Jesus?

The Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.