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I don't really know, but i use it all the time. I use it when someone says something totally random, I say "I like pie" to make a point that the person just said something totally random. Most of the time they're just like "What? I don't get it...." Its really funny :)

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12y ago
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12y ago

The expression is actually fairly recent. During World War II, as American GI's would frequently give the stock answer that they were fighting "for Mom and Apple Pie"--it was a catch-phrase of the time. The phrase was picked up by writers who turned it into "as American as Mom and Apple Pie". By the 1960s, Mom got left out and the phrase appeared as it does today.

The irony is that apple pie is not American at all--it's German! When the Pilgrims landed in the 17th century, there were no edible apples in America, only crabapples. The English colonists made lots of pies, but not a lot of apple pies. It was the Pennsylvania Dutch, who came over in the 18th century (and who were, of course, German, and not Dutch) who perfected apple pies and made them a famous part of American cuisine.

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14y ago

Pie came from Europe. Many countries there made hot pies with vegetables or fruit and eventually the French used cream. The United Kingdom made millions of pies of both types.

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13y ago

It is commonly used as an icebreaker when there is a long silence. A person who says 'I like pie' does not always like pie, they just say it because they feel like it!

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12y ago

Math City. The term was originally coined by Archimedes. Not sure why though...

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What does the phrase easy as pie mean?

The phrase "easy as pie" means that something is very simple or effortless to do, just like eating a delicious pie.

When did the phrase you like pie start?

i dont know its up to you

How many people use the phrase you like pie?

its actually i like pie and everyone says it even the Jonas bros,Miley Cyrus,and Paris Hilton.duh, everyone says i like pie.

Where did the phrase thank you originate?

Physical location? In North Eastern Europe most likely. Origination of meaning? It is from the verb phrase (I) thank you. Thank comes from the ProtoGermanic *thankojan which is a derivation of the PIE *tong- "to think, feel."

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Does the phrase as well as affect singularity or plurality of the verb?

Yes it does. For example: Fred as well as Bob like the pie. Rather than: Bob likes the pie, or Fred likes the pie. The phrase "as well as" is used as an "and". This means that all verbs will be made plural.

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it means something like curses on you! or nanny nanny go go!

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Pennsylvania Dutch

The phrase as American as apple pie is an example of?

simileThe phrase "as American as apple pie" is an example of both a simile and an expression.

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