

Where do Arctic bears live?

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6y ago

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united states, Alaska,Russia,canada,greenland and Norway

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Q: Where do Arctic bears live?
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Does the polar bear live in the Arctic or Antarctic region?

Polar bears live only in the northern polar regions - which includes the Arctic and Arctic Circle regions. They do not live in the Antarctic.

Do both grizzly and polar bears live in the Arctic?

No. Only polar bears live in the Arctic.

Do polar bears live in the Arctic lowlands?

Yes polar bears do live in the arctic lowlands because of there tick fur

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Polar bears live in the Arctic but the majority of penguin species live in the Antarctic.

Do polar bears live in Antactica?

No, polar bears live only in the Arctic.

In what area do polar bears live?

Polar bears live on the South Arctic

Where do they polar bears live?

Polar bears live in the Arctic.

Do polar bears live in Antarctica or the Arctic?

Polar bears live in the arctic and penguins live in the antarctic.

Why don't arctic polar bears eat penguins?

they dont have the chance to. polar bears live in the arctic, but penguin live in ANTarctica.

Do polar bears live in the wild?

They live in the Arctic.

Why is it impossible for a polar bear to live in the arctic?

It's not. Polar bears live in the Arctic.

How many Polar bears in deserts?

Polar bears do not live in the desert. They live in the Arctic.