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Virtually all, yet major one was a Deist & one a Unitarian, associated with Deist values. While some would site articles including all or most of the Founding Fathers as Deist, the same would admit that Thomas Paine* was chastised for his Deist position by most of those who founded our nation.

The Great Awakening happened in the 1730's and 40's, just prior to the Revolution. Preachers, who were godly and fiery, such as George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Increase Mather, John Witherspoon, a signatory of the Declaration of Independence, shaped the spiritual fervor among the colonists and the founders.

Witherspoon was a personal teacher and mentor of many of our founders, as President and head professor of Princeton College (later the University). A President, a Vice President, three Supreme Court Justices, thirty-seven judges in all, ten Cabinet officers, twelve members of the Continental Congress, twenty-eight Senators, and forty-nine United States congressmen.

*Paine's Age of Reason was cause for many of the faithful Christian leaders to distrust him and disagree with his political reasoning, borrowed from the French Revolution. The Federalists assailed Him for his French ties and his association with Jefferson, who himself was influenced by France, but not to the same degree.

Even the Deists believed in the God of the Bible, but were isolating Him only as Almighty God, not agreeing that the Godhead consisted of the Trinity.

Besides the three Roman Catholics among the Founding Fathers, the Protestant Convention delegates included 28 Episcopalians, 8 Presbyterians, 7 Congregationalists, 2 Lutherans, 2 Dutch reformed and 2 Methodists. These were more definitively identified as believers in the true God of the Bible, yet were Trinitarians in there belief. Most, who consider themselves Christian today, are Trinitarian.

Ben Franklin, in his later years, seemed to turn from his earlier deistic views to the Biblical belief in God. The only Unitarian was Jefferson, who talked much in his writings about the God of the Bible, yet he indeed struggled to create what is called the "Jefferson Bible," in which he attmoted to remove the references that spoke of Christ's deity. This ultimately was entitled: "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth."

Most of the founding fathers believed in god/s but not exclusive to the Judaeo-Christian God. The term Deist comes from the root word Dei which means god, therefore Deists believe in a god but not the Judaeo-Christian god. The Universalists also believe in God.

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MOst of them and i think they all are

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