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The 8th amendment of the Bill of Rights.

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The 8th Amendment addresses punishment and bail for crimes.

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Amendment 8

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Q: What amendment guarantees fair bail and punishment?
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What does Amendment 8 stait?

Amendment 8 states that you have a fair bail and punishment

Examples of the eighth amendment?

The 8th Amendment guarantees that punishments will be fair, and not cruel, and that extraordinarily large fines will not be set. When the punishment is greater than the crime.

What does amendment 8 mean in the American constitution?

it means that you have the right to a fair punishment for the crime and a fair bail and fine. basically, if you misbehave in class a teacher can't cut off your hand. maybe a detention, which is relevant, but nothing irrelevant. also you have the right to a fair fine and bail.

What does amendment 8 mean in American constitution mean?

it means that you have the right to a fair punishment for the crime and a fair bail and fine. basically, if you misbehave in class a teacher can't cut off your hand. maybe a detention, which is relevant, but nothing irrelevant. also you have the right to a fair fine and bail.

Importance of sixth amendment?

It guarantees the right to a speedy and fair trial

What does the 8th Amendment mean?

The 8th amendment means that if you are placed under bail, The bail has to be reasonable and fair according to the crime. For example, if you got caught stealing a grape out of a grocery store, the jury cannot place you under a 10,000 dollar bail it's simply unfair.Also this amendment means that if you've committed a crime the state cannot perform such unusual punishment such as hanging you or starving you. That is what they mean by cruel and unusual punishment Thanks for asking!! thx 4 ansering!

Why was the 8 amendment important?

The 8th Amendment prevented the government from setting excessive bails and fines and from the use of cruel and unusual punishments. A punishment is considered cruel and unusual if it is not patently necessary, it is rejected throughout society, or it is degrading to human dignity. This is also known as torture.

What does the eighth amendment mean to the us?

The eighth amendment of the united states constitution is the section of the bill of rights that states that the punishment must be fair, cannot be cruel, and that fines that are extraordinarily large cannot be be set

Did Benjamin Harrison make changes to the Constitution?

Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly Amendment 2 Right to bear arms Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers Amendment 4 Search and arrest Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People Amendment 10 States' rights

What amendment allows rights to fair procedures in contacts with government?

The concept you are asking about is called "due process". It is guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. The Fifth Amendment guarantees due process when dealing with the federal government, while the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees it when dealing with State governments.

Which amendments guarantee fair legal privacy?

The 4th amendment guarantees fair legal privacy. It states that a warrant or probable cause are needed before the government can enter a private home.

Why was the eighth amendment created?

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. This was created so that the judges would be fair to the defendant and his/her family.