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Q: Which amendment was the first to change the method of electing a president?
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Which amendment changed the manner of selecting senators from the state legislatures to a vote of the people?


True or false- women were given the right to vote by the 12 amendment?

False. The twelfth amendment changed the method of electing the vice president of the United States by having the members of the electoral college vote separately for president and vice president instead of having the second place finisher in the presidential voting become president. Women began gradually gaining the right to vote in the late nineteenth century. Wyoming was the first state to give women the suffrage. By 1920 most states permitted women to vote in at least some elections. in that year the 19th amendment was ratified which gave women the right to vote in all elections.

What is the 12th amendment to the constitution of the United States?

The 12th amendment requires separate electoral ballots for the president and vice president. This was created because, during the election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson & Aaron burr were going against the federalists, Jefferson & burr won, but they each received 73 electoral votes and the house of representatives had to re vote 35 times until on the 36th ballot Jefferson won. This happened because during that time the 2 people that got the highest votes were president and vice president, even if they were in different political parties. The Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII) to the United States Constitution provides the procedure by which the President and Vice President are elected. It replaced the procedure of the Electoral College under Article II, Section 1, Clause 3, which demonstrated problems in the elections of 1796 and 1800. The Twelfth Amendment was proposed by the Congress on December 9, 1803 and was ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures on June 15, 1804. The Twelfth Amendment (1804) corrects a problem that has arisen in the method of electing the president and vice president. This amendment provides for the Electoral College to use separate ballots in voting for president and vice president.

What was the cause of the 12th amendment?

The election process right off was clumsy and didn't work well. It began with the 1796 election and got worse by 1800, so in 1803 congress began to work out another method. This became the electoral college and in1804 the 12th amendment was passed.

What did the 12th amendment change?

12th Amendment - Ratified June 15,1804 Changed the way the President and Vice President are elected. The 12th Amendment means: - separate ballots are used for president and vice president. - the candidates with the greatest number of votes for each office will be elected if that number constitutes a majority of the total electors. - if a majority for the president is lacking, the House of Representatives shall vote by state from among the three highest candidates. - if a majority for the vice president is lacking, the Senate shall vote by state from among the two highest candidates - the vice president must meet the same constitutional requirements as provided for the president.

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Structure of the Federal Government

Did state government change the method of electing the President and the starting date for Congress and the President?

Structure of the Federal GovernmentThe 12th amendmentmade an important change in the way the president and vice-president were elected. The 20th amendment moved up the starting date for a new Administration and a new Congress.

Which amendment changed the manner of selecting senators from the state legislatures to vote of the people?

The 17th Amendment, ratified in 1913, changed the method of electing US senators.The Seventeenth Amendment

Which amendment changed the manner of selecting senators from the state legislatures to a vote of the people?


How did the election process begin in the US?

The U.S. Constitution was written so that the people elect the president. Article II, Section 1 created the Electoral College and the initial method of electing presidents. Amendment XII (1804) revised the election process of the president and vice president. Since then, we have been using that process (states' electors vote for president based on states' popular votes).

True or false- women were given the right to vote by the 12 amendment?

False. The twelfth amendment changed the method of electing the vice president of the United States by having the members of the electoral college vote separately for president and vice president instead of having the second place finisher in the presidential voting become president. Women began gradually gaining the right to vote in the late nineteenth century. Wyoming was the first state to give women the suffrage. By 1920 most states permitted women to vote in at least some elections. in that year the 19th amendment was ratified which gave women the right to vote in all elections.

Why is there an indirect system for electing the president?

They use a rather curious indirect method in which the voters elect people called electors who then elect the president.

Is a constitutional amendment submitted to the president approval?

Article V of US Constitution describes the method of introducing an amendment in the constitution. For an amendment to be instituted, it has to be approved by both houses of US Congress with a two third majority. An amendment approved in such a manner does not require President's approval and is directly sent to states for ratification.

Why was John Kennedy's vice president not replaced?

The 25th Amendment to the constitution had not yet been passed so there was no legal method of appointing a vice president outside of an election.

What is Charter change?

Basically, it means an amendment of the Constitution.

Why is the method of choosing a president fair?

There is nothing inherently unfair about the US method of electing the president, All qualified candidates have an equal chance and the system has been proven to work for over 200 years. No country has ever seen such a long procession of good leaders, and who have come from all walks of life, rich and poor.