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The license allows the couple to get married.

The marriage certificate signed by a minister, judge, priest, or person endowed with the legal powers to perform marriages indicates that a legal marriage has taken place and is the one used for public record. so let the same sex people get married, because it's within their legal right.

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The civil marriage license must be signed by the official who performed the marriage ceremony. It is generally their duty to make certain the signed marriage license is delivered to the government office charged with recording marriages. Once they receive it your marriage becomes part of the public record. In some jurisdictions the returned, signed marriage license becomes the marriage certificate. An official marriage certificate must have an official government seal.

A government issued marriage certificate is the official proof of your marriage.

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Q: Which document certifies a legal marriage the marriage license or the marriage certificate?
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Do the witnesses on the marriage license have to be the same as the witnesses on the marriage certificate?

"Marriage License" and "Marriage Certificate" are two different terms for the same document.

Does a marriage license mean your legally married?

No, a marriage license is a legal document that allows a couple to get married. The marriage license must be signed by both parties, an authorized officiant, and witnesses to make the marriage legally binding.

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You need a marriage certificate from the parish. It will be issued after the marriage license has been executed and returned to the court house.

Is a marriage license and a marriage certificate the same document after your married?

Yes, although some people refer to other marital documents as "Marriage Certificates" as well, such as domestic partnership certificates, Jewish marriage contracts, etc.

Is civilly married the same as marriage license?

Not exactly. A marriage license is a document you receive after having a civil marriage. In most countries, you also receive a marriage license for the civil portion of a religious marriage.Not exactly. A marriage license is a document you receive after having a civil marriage. In most countries, you also receive a marriage license for the civil portion of a religious marriage.

Can you use a same-sex marriage certificate to change your name on your driver's license?

In states where same-sex marriage is legal, yes. The only legal name change document you need is your same-sex marriage certificate. There is no need to obtain a court ordered name change.

How old do you have to be to sign your own marriage certificate?

You sign your own marriage certificate. In order to do that you have to obtain a marriage license. The license requires you to be 18 in the US and a vast majority of the rest of the world.

Is marriage legal in Texas if change of mind and license don't get turned in?

If the license was not executed, the marriage was not completed. No certificate of marriage was issued.

How do you get a us marriage license for Romaina?

You do not need to. The license and certificate will be issued by Romania.

If a same-sex couple marries in Vermont and moves to Colorado would the marriage license be invalidated?

This has nothing to do with your marriage license. This is about your marriage certificate. Effective October 6, 2014, your Vermont marriage certificate is legally valid in Colorado.

Why is a ceremony necessary of you have a marriage license?

You have to execute the license. It needs to be signed by the officiant and witnesses so that a marriage certificate can be issued.

What info is on 1924 UK marriage certificate?

It's the same as on the current marriage license