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President Jefferson nominated three Associate Justices to the Court. The first, William Johnson, was nominated in 1804 and served until 1834. He was known to be independent minded and represented the ideals of the Democratic-Republican party.

Jefferson nominated Henry Brockholst Livingston in 1807. Livingston served until his death in 1823, but disappointed the Jeffersonians by adopting John Marshall's style of jurisprudence, and voting with Marshall on most issues.

Congress passed "An Act establishing Circuit Courts, and abridging the jurisdiction of the district courts in the districts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio" in February 1807, adding the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and a seventh seat to the Supreme Court, which allowed Jefferson to nominate a third member of his party to the Federalist-leaning judiciary.

Unfortunately, Thomas Todd, who served from 1807 until 1826, turned out to be the biggest disappointment of all, as he consistently voted with Marshall, and wrote only eleven opinions during his 19-year career. Historians consider Todd the least important justice in the history of the Court.

Because two of Jefferson's three nominees fell in step with the strong-willed John Marshall, Jefferson had very little impact on the direction of the Supreme Court.

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Q: Who did Thomas Jefferson appoint to the US Supreme Court?
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