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The verses refer to the original lines of writing. That's why the verse number often comes in the middle of a sentence. As the original writer started a new line so that line was given a new number. Then when the books of The Bible were translated the verse numbers were given so that scholars could go back to the original text and see if they agreed with how good the translation was.

The books of the bible weren't divided. They were brought together. Each one was written independently and they were later gathered together. I have seen some bibles physically divided into the various books and put together on a book shelf. It is still common to find the Gospels as individual books for study purposes.

The New, or Greek testament was agreed by the Christian church leaders at a council meeting and many books were rejected from being in the bible while others were accepted, so there are several other books around that describe what happened in Jesus' life but the church leaders rejected them as not being truthful, or truthful enough.

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The system of chapters that are common today was devised by Stephen Laughton, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1207 to 1228 ( born 1150).

Verses in the Old Testament are based on the work of Rabbi Isaac Nathan ben Kalonymus in 1440. New Testament verses are those introduced by Robert Estienne in his Greek New Testament of 1551.

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Q: Who divided the Bible into the chapters and verses?
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How are the books of the Bible boken down?

The Bible is divided into books, each book divided into chapters. Each chapter consists of verses.

How many chapters and verses are in the Bible?

There are 1189 chapters and 31103 verses.

When and by whom were chapters added to the Bible?

A:The Bible was divided into present-day chapters by Stephen Langton about 1200 CE. Verses were separated and numbered by Robert Stephanus in 1557.

How many chapters in Douay-Rheims Bible?

The Douay-Rheims Bible contains 73 books, the same number found in the Catholic Bible. It is divided into the usual chapters and verses found in most Bibles, with a total of 1,189 chapters.

What is the name of the longest book in the Bible in chapters and verses?

Psalms 150 chapters, 2411 verses.

How many chapters and verses are there in the Bible?

There are 1,189 chapters and over 31,000 verses in the Bible (Old and New Testament) based on the King James Version. The Catholic Bible, however, has additional books in the Old Testament, which adds to the total number of chapters and verses.

Which is the largest chapter in Old Testament?

Psalms 119. It has 176 verses. On a side note. The original holy writings that would become known as the Bible originally were not divided into chapters and verses. It wasn't until about 1250 (A.D.) that Cardinal Hugo de Sancto divided the old and new testament into chapters. And it wasn't until the 1500s that the first English bible separated into chapters and verse became available. It was called the Geneva Bible.

How many chapters and verses are in all the books of the Bible?

There are 66 Books of the Bible which include 1189 Chapters and 31173 verses and 773,746 words (King James Version)

When were chapters and verses added to the Bible?

The Bible was divided into present-day chapters by Stephen Langton about 1200 CE. Verses were separated and numbered by Robert Stephanus in 1557. Additionally The Hebrew Old Testament was first divided into verses by a Jewish rabbi by the name of Nathan in A.D. 1448, which Robert Stephanus applied to the New Testament in 1555. Since that time, the chapter and verse divisions devised by Stephanus have been accepted into nearly all Bible versions.

How many verses are there in the christian bible?

Total Chapters 1189. Total verses 31103 and 137 unnumbered verses

Who divided the Old Testament into verses?

According to the Talmudic tradition, the division of the text of the Hebrew Bible (aka Old Testament) into verses is of ancient origin.The first Christian Bible in English to use both chapters and verses was the Geneva Bible published in 1560, which preceded the King James translation by 51 years.