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Geraldine Ferarro.

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Q: Who gave a speech to the Democratic National Convention in 1984 accepting the vice-presidential nomination of that political party?
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i think he is a preisdent

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The democratic party itself is generally quite accepting, but the people in the party could have their own ideas.

Can a vice presidential candidate be replaced after accepting the nomination of his party for the purpose of being replaced by a more popular candidate prior to the election?

I know of only one case. Senator Thomas Eagleton was nominated to run as the vice-presidential running mate with Senator George McGovern in 1972. The convention took place in July. Eagleton "resigned" from the ticket in August after his history of depression and suicidal tendencies came to light. This link includes a more detailed explanation:

True or False A cardholder must complete all required training prior to accepting the nomination?

False. Not all required training must be complete for the cardholder to accept his or her role. There will be fields available to enter wither or not training had been completed as well as the completion date.

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Accepting others

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President Johnson told the nation on March 31st 1968 that he would not be running for re-election. He also announced that he will be devoting his last months of presidency to making peace in North Vietnam.

How many syllables is the word accepting?

Their are 3 syllables in the word accepting

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i think it means to not be accepting of the truth

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Democratic socialism is a political ideology that combines elements of socialism and democracy. It advocates for a socially just society where there is a balance of public ownership and control over key industries and services, along with a democratic system that ensures the participation of citizens in decision-making processes. It seeks to address economic inequalities and provide social welfare programs while preserving individual liberties and democratic principles.

What is the meaning of y gracias por aceptarme?

hello thank you for accepting me how are you

How do you accepting?

A-C-C-E-P-T-I-N-G is how accepting is spelled.

How do you say thank you for accepting me as your friend in english?

You can say "Thank you for accepting me as your friend" in English.