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It is entirely a matter of preference. Many men prefer thinner women; many men prefer curvy women.

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18y ago
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8y ago

Some guys like skinny girls other guys like fat girls if your gonna say curvy then u have to change the word skinny to thin because curvy girls are fat and thin girls are skinny

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Q: Do men prefer skinny or curvy women?
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Do men really prefer skinny women?


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ummm....some men prefer bigger women so it doesn't feel like their doing a bag of bones or some dead girl! And some men prefer skinny women because there too stupid to look on the inside before the outside it isn't always about the looks. Not saying skinny women aren't pretty, or good people, or fun to look at but sometimes that's all men are after! Some men prefer in betweens...which a lot of men like because their not too skinny or too big.

Why are men turned off by curvy women you love the curves?

Some men don't like curvy women because it is their preference to have. Just as some men don't like thinner women and would rather date anyone but women with their shape and figure, they same is for curvy women and all a matter of preference.

Do guys like thin girls or curvy girls?

All men are different, and we all have different preferences, so it's not entirely useful to ask if "guys" like thin girls or curvy girls. There's probably a bell-shaped "normal distribution" curve of preferences, with a few men preferring very skinny stick-like women, and a few liking very plump women, while the majority is spread over a curve of varying shapes. Personally, I like curvy women in general, but the only one I _REALLY_ prefer is the woman I'm married to right now - and I'd prefer her even if she gained or lost a lot of weight.

Are black men attracted to curvy women more then white men?

that's not the question the question is who doesn't like curvy woman

What types of men do women prefer?

Different men prefer different women the same as different women prefer different men.

Why do eastern hemisphere men prefer fat women?

they believe that curvy women are more beautiful. i also think it is because it shows a sign of wealth, being able to afford great amounts of food.

Do teenage boys usually like blondes or brunettes and do they prefer curvy or skinny girls?

The answer to this is purely subjective since it will change from person to person. What men prefer in regards to a woman's physical appearance varies significantly from man to man. Some men love blondes, and some adore brunettes! Some are very attracted to skinny girls, while other guys love a woman with some curves!

What is the fittest body a woman and a man can get?

muscle for men and curvy for women pworr with being a guy i love the toned curvy women they are the fittest' sexist and hottest women on the planet ever no other woman can touch them muscle women Bah no way but curvy pworr.

Why do men like skinny women?

Attraction is subjective and can vary between individuals. Some men may prefer skinny women for personal reasons related to societal standards of beauty, personal preferences, or cultural influences. It's important to remember that beauty and attraction come in all shapes and sizes, and what one person finds attractive may not be the same for someone else.

Do Women prefer more girth or length in a man?

Women usually prefer muscular, tall men. However, everybody's different. Some might prefer short, tall, average height; muscular, skinny, average, ect. Maybe a little chub won't hurt!

Does men prefer control women?

No, not really. Some men may prefer to control women, but 99% do not.