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Quite a few.

Pope John XXI was Sgt. Angelo Roncalli of the Italian Army. His fame was primarily in his church career after the war, though.

Adolf Hitler would be one. He served with distinction in the German army and was awarded the Iron Cross for bravery. He is more famous for his political career, though. Harry Trumanwas another man more famous for his political career than his service.

Alvin York was the most famous American soldier. He won the Medal of Honor for capturing a German machine gun nest. He is most famous for his actions in the war itself.

Walt Disney lied about his age to become a WWI ambulance driver. He is more famous for his career in the entertainment industry after the war, though.

C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien both fought in WWI, and both would become famous authors later in their lives. One must give a nod to Ernest Hemingway, who while rejected for service, flew to Italy and served as an ambulance driver, getting decorated by the Italian government in the process.

Edwin Hubble served in WWI, and would be famous for his career in science.

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