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As a VERY brief answer which may very well be wrong:

After the Persian wars, most Greek cities started the Delian League, which was a pool of resources and ships and men contributed by the cities to keep the Persians under constant harassment from the sea. Athens eventually took control of the League and it became more of an Athenian empire than a League. Eventually all the other cities got cross and Sparta declared war on Athens. There was lots of fighting and the war was lost by Athens when the Athenians foolishly squandered a big army invading Sicily.

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Q: Who was fighting Peloponnesian War?
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Who was fighting in the peloponnesian war?

The Peloponnesian War was a struggle between , primarily , Athens against Sparta . ~ See related link below .

Who were the main groups fighting in the peloponnesian war?

The Athenians and the Spartans .

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It was a league of independent Dorian city-states led by Sparta which banded together to protect itself, at home and in their overseas colonies. Their biggest clash was the Ionians led by Athens, and later Aeolians led by Thebes.

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Peloponnesian War happened in -431.

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. . . the Peloponnesian War .

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