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Serbia was a part of no formal alliance until 1912, but its independence was guaranteed by Russia in March 1909 in return for Serbian recognition of Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia-Hercegovina.

In 1912 Serbia joined with Bulgaria, Greece and Montenegro in The Balkan League, with the intention of seizing the Ottoman Empire's European territory and dividing it up between them. Bulgaria went to war against its former allies the following year after being denied its agreed share.

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2 million and more is the population of Belgrade, and the population of Serbia is about 9 million.

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The Triple Alliance was a military alliance that was shared among 3 nations. They were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. It was the opposite of the Triple Entenete that shared among Britain, France and Russia.

Who w blamed for World War 1?

They blamed Serbia. People think he murdered their king and went to war with him. And Russia was one Serbias side