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There have been a large number of formally ordained "Crusades" with at least ten having been conducted between the 11th and 16th century. At the time of the first Crusade in 1096, the main European mover was the Pope (Urban II) with the rulers of the nations involved being France and England (led by Phillip I and William II respectively)

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Q: Who were the leaders of Europe during the Crusades?
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Were the crusades intended to spread judaism to Europe?

No..the crusades were intended to capture Jerusalem for Christianity and to oust the Moslems from there. The Jews suffered terribly during the crusades.

How did Muslim ideas spread to Europe during the Crusades?

Trade and War

What did the Crusades do for Europe?

The Crusades increased the population of trade between Europe and the Middle East.

What impact did the crusades have on Europe?

the crusades helpef the europeans

What happened during the crusades?

The Crusades were a series of holly wars waged by Catholic countries in Europe. The purpose of the war was to free the land of Israel from the Muslim rule.

What products were imported to Europe from Asia as a result of the Crusades?

Many different types of spices were imported to Europe from Asia as a result of the Crusades. There was also gold and jade jewelry, and porcelain items like vases imported by Europe from Asia during this time.

Where and how did Europe expand during the High Middle Ages?

Europe expanded mostly east and south, due to major advances and yes, the crusades

What was the impetus for change that removed the isolation of Europe in the middle ages?

It was the Crusades.