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Q: Why There were other life forms in earth aside from humans?
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Earth's geological forces are quite indifferent to humans or any other life forms.

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Are humans organic?

Yes, in common with all other life forms sharing our planet.

Are there more humans in other planets?

No, the Earth is the only planet with Humans.

What did people do when the earth first exsisted?

Some people believe the earth was first created 4.6 billion years ago, humans did not exist, nor did any other life forms. Humans didn't come into being until 15 million years ago, about 4.45 billion year's into earth's history.

What does earth have that other planets do not?

Water... and a climate that will allows it to exist simultaneously in 3 forms: Liquid, Gas, Solid

Why are humans on earth and not in haven?

Humans are on Earth because that is where they evolved, in the same way, and at the same time as all the other animals.

Do other planets exists?

God made earth for us and he made the other planets for other life forms. But why are many other living beings very much more intelligent than humans?

What enemies does a white tiger have?

Humans are a white tiger's/ tiger's enemy, aside from other tigers who are guarding their territories or mates.

Can you name all the plants that humans have visited?

Yes, I can. -- Complete list of planets that humans have visited: Earth -- Complete list of other bodies outside of earth that humans have visited: The Moon.

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