

Why are blood donations so important?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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It will help those whom are dying.. so if you take my advice donate blood and kidneys you'll be saving kids in Africa... your welcome... It will help those whom are dying.. so if you take my advice donate blood and kidneys you'll be saving kids in africa... your welcome...

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14y ago

There are no advantages or disadvantages for you. But should you tragically die, there will be someone one in the world who gets to live because of you. If you ever need an organ to save your life, you be happy that there was someone willing to check that little box on their drivers license. Also-contrary to myth - doctors don't treat you any different if you are a donor. You are not an organ farm, they want to save all lives.

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For some people, organ donation is against their religious beliefs. Others just don't like the idea of their bodies being cut up. Personally, I like the idea of someone else having my heart, liver, eyes, etc. Providing I've died at a reasonably old age, that is.

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11y ago

Blood donations are extremely important because they can help save countless lives through blood transfusions. Blood is a perishable fluid and must be replenished in hospitals at all times to ensure that there is always a fresh supply waiting for patients who are in dire need of it. Most blood donor sites will give extensive reasons as to why blood donations are so vital.

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well, if you are donating by the pint then its 8 donations.

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Methods used to separate blood donations are; # Centrifugation # Filtration The main separation method used is Centrifugation.

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The FDA has issued a draft Guidance recommending all allogeneic, and selected autologous, blood donations be screened for T. cruzi.

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The minimum time advised between two donations is 3 months. This gap helps blood regain the normal haemoglobin count.

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Blood is stored within a blood bank because it will keep the blood fresh and preserved until it is sent off to hospitals that need it for patients that are in critical condition. There is a constant demand for blood donations as hosptials always need to have an ample supply to treat patients, so blood banks help out by by always increasing their supply whenever they can so that they can continously deliver them to hospitals. Most areas will have a blood bank in their vicinity that can be contacted with regards to any questions that concern this topic.

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So many people are grasping on charitable donations because it is a very good cause. The money goes to those who are less fortunate. This is very important, it shows that we all have a heart and we are not self-centered beings.

How often is a person allowed to donate blood in Canada?

Minimum interval between blood donations is 56 days.

Do hospitals accept general blood donations?

The vast majority of blood donations are collected by non-profit, community blood centers. Due to the cost of collection and testing, and the extensive regulatory environment (FDA, AABB, etc.), very few hospitals still collect blood for their own use.

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