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because people don't know them yet

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Q: Why aren't there answers for these questions?
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give me answers not questions, arent yiu answers .com

Why arent any of the questions you ask answerd?

Your answers have not been answered because nobody has asked us your question yet.

Why do some people ask the most random questions on this website?

I dont no someone of them are purely just stupid and are an invasion of privacy! Some answers arent even about the question asked

Is Wiki Answers any good?

You're using it arent you?


this question needs to be more specific. if you arent specific, it is hard to get answers.

Questions and answers about Arab culture?

Questions and answers about Arab culture

Why arent there any answer's seriously id like to no because i want the answer?

No one answers your questions because they don't feel like searching the entire WikiAnswers just to answer your question. There are a lot of questions here on Wiki and it will take a long time for them all to be answered.

Do answers exist or are there only questions?

Answers do exist but there will always be more questions than answers.

What are questions with out answers?

Rhetorical questions. And what are questions, answers, and rhetorical-entries, without definitions of their key terms ?

Why is there a such thing as questions?

Because if there are no questions there will be no answers and with no answers nothing would exist.

Can answers exist without questions?

No, answers only exist to be matched with questions.

What is the difference between Reference Answers and Wikipedia?

Wikipedia an encyclopedia with no questions and answers, and Reference Answers has questions and answers.