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The question seems a bit muddled. A location would help clarify matters.

I can give a generic answer, though: Because the government of wherever this question refers to apparently wants to force religious education on people, probably because there's an official state religion (such as in North Korea) and/or because the state itself adheres to some specific religious code (some Islamic countries follow sharia law, for example).

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the constitution says religion is free to learn not to teach

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Q: Why is it illegal not to teach religion education at schools?
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Why is it illegal to teach religion in America?

It is not illegal to teach religion in America. The U.S. Constitution ensures the separation of church and state, which means that public schools cannot endorse or promote a specific religion. However, schools can offer education about religion in an objective and neutral way.

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Well, christianity, hinduism, sikism, and jewism in my school.Answer:Most publicly funded schools do not teach religion. The exceptions are private religion based schools that teach their own faith.

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In those jurisdictions in which evolution is part of the curriculum, the Department of Education can withhold accreditation to schools that refuse to teach that curriculum. Rather than seek to censor the education of the children, it would be better to remember that a true religion can not be harmed by scientific facts.

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religion is a central part of many schools, both in the US and across the world. In the US, there are catholic schools and thousands of other faith-based schools. These schools are considered private schools, in the sense that they do not receive public funds. You must pay to attend these schools. they teach normal classes, but in addition, they also teach religion. Public funded schools are strictly forbiden from teaching religion, due to separation of state and church. If the public schools were to teach any religion, that could indicate a government preference for one religion over another, which is undesirable. Government and religion are treated separate, in order to acheive freedom of religion. State sponsored religion should be avoided, because it causes problems, such as civil war and oppression of other religions.

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laws before the Civil War made it illegal to teach slaves how to read. (APEX) Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken

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No education or training. She was a slave and it was illegal to teach a slave to read.

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Education about the transmission of pathogens is not fundamentally different from education about anything else. You teach people in schools, you teach them at home, you teach them with public service announcements on television.

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laws before the Civil War made it illegal to teach slaves how to read. (APEX) Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken

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It means special education. This is education for those with disabilities.

What religion are Finland schools teaching?

They educate on a lot of religions, they don't teach one single religion as it is not a religious country.