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A:Herod did not build the Second Temple, which was built centuries earlier during the Persian period. He did rebuild and expand the existing Temple. Herod embarked on a program of building, including fortresses and palaces, as well as the city of Caesaria, but his most famous endeavour is his reconstruction ofthe Second Temple. Part of the reason is that, being an Idumaean, he wanted to win favour with his Jewish subjects.
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Q: Why did Herod the Great build the Second Temple?
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When was Herod's temple made?

Herod did not build the Second Temple. The Second Temple was built sometime towards the end of the 6th century BCE by those who returned to Judea from Babylonian exile under the auspices of the new Persian regime. Around 400 years later, beginning around 20 BCE, Herod rebuilt and refurbished the existing Second Temple as part of his extensive building projects throughout his realm. Herod died in 4 BCE.

How many years did Herod take to build his Temple?

46 years -- John2:20

What city did Herod the Great build?

Herod the Great built Caesarea. A deep water port on the coast of Judea.

When was the temple in Jerusalem rebuilt?

The Second Temple was constructed on the site of the first in 516 CE by Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zerrubabel. It was then substantially improved by Herod the Great in from 19 BCE all the way to 63 CE, which was long after his death and only seven years before the Romans would destroy it in 70 CE.

Why did King Herod build the Wailing Wall?

What is now known as the Wailing Wall, or Western Wall, was built as a retaining wall for a huge mound that King Herod the Great had constructed for the Temple he was building or extending in its centre. Little is left of the Temple and its surrounds, and the Wall has achieved iconic status among Jews.

Who built the second temple in the temple of Jerusalem?

The second temple was builded by Herod the Great, the same one as having the infants slaughtered when Christ was a babe. It is said it took forty years to build and was such a wonder people traveled from all over to see it.

How long did it take for the Temple to be built as in Ezra 6?

The temple was started by Zerubbabel in about B.C.537. The alter was build at that time so that sacrifices could begin. But then some trouble arose from outsiders and work was stopped. It was resumed later and semi-finished in B.C. 516. The temple was never as complete as Solomons temple and it wasn't until the time of Herod the Great (20 or 21 B.C.) that a great construction began to almost completely redo the temple.

How much did it cost to build the temple of Artemis when it was built?

It is nearly impossible to determine the cost of the building of Herod's Temple. However, if it was built to the same specifications, it would cost over one trillion dollars today.

Why did the pharaohs like Ramses the great build huge Temple?

because hi

Did taharqa build temples and why?

he wanted to build it because when he dies he would be buried in the temple and be remembered as the great king.

Did king herold build the first temple?

No. King Solomon, the son of King David built the first temple. That temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 B.C. After the captivity, Cyrus of Persia allowed Zerubbabel the prince of Judah to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (second temple). Tradition tells us that Zerubbabel fell short in architectural measurements and over the years the temple was starting to decay. In 20 B.C. Herod the Great took the temple down to its foundations and started rebuilding it. This temple was built in 1 year and 6 months, but not completely. Work was done on this temple for many years, and it is said that work was still being done in the year 64 A.D., just 6 years before it was completely destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans.

Which empire were Jews part of when they were allowed to return from exile to build the second temple?

It was king Cyrus of Persia that released the Jews from slavery in Babylon.