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Because there was lots more grass to graze than in other areas. Cattle could the stocked more on the open plains than in forested or very hilly areas.

Also, the expansion of railroads helped the cattles move west.

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People in the East wanted beef

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Q: Why did cattle ranching spread to the plains?
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Where are Ranching and cattle dominant in?

The plains

How did the civil war and the construction of railroads affect cattle ranching on the great plains?

The Civil War and construction of railroads affected cattle ranching on the Great Plains negatively. This halted ranching and broke up farms.

How did cattle ranching and the work of cowhands promote the settlement of the plains?

Cattle ranching and he work cowhands did promoted settlements of the plains so there were places to rest during a long cattle drive. As railroads grew, more settlements were established and cattle drives were a large part of the economy.

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cattle ranching

As people moved west which of these became the big business on the plains?

cattle ranching. :<

What helped cattle ranching in the great plains?

Cattle ranching on the plains led to grasslands being stripped and the land becoming drier than ever. Bison herds were decimated. Eventually there were so many cattle being raised on the plains that a bad winter saw many of them die of starvation and the cold.

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Cattle Ranching started in Texas and spread all throughout the West.

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What country was responsible for cattle ranching in the southwest?

Spain was responsible for cattle ranching in the Southwest.

When did cattle ranching start?

Cattle ranching started in Texas in the 1800s.

How did cattle trails help make ranching an important industry in Texas?

It helps the cattle industry because since texas had alot of plains the cattle were able to survive in texas.