

Why did god make men better then women?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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sorry? who told u men were better? in my view all men are lazy egoistic beings!

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Is it true that in the bible it states that men are better than women?

The Bible does not state that men are better than women. There are many women mentioned in the Bible that are fine examples for their faith and devotion to Almighty God. However, the Bible does state that certain roles are for men, and not for women. Such as those serving in the priesthood.

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According to scientific studies, women do have better dexterity than men do. This is because women have better sensory-motor coordination than men.

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no that is not what the bible concludes. God made his children equal no matter the gender. however he made men to be stronger and women to be wiser.

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