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Firstly, they were not "American Colonies" at the time. They were bush and wilderness. Nobody laid claim to the land.

The first settlers were religious fundamentalists, who left Great Britain to be able to practice their own oddball form of religion, called Puritanism. They could be compared to the current crop of religious right wingers in the USA. They had little practical knowledge of how to survive in North America, and if it were not for the Aboriginals, they would have died of starvation during the first winter. What is now called " Thanksgiving" should really be called " we were really lucky to survive the first winter here".

The Puritans made a number of huge errors as they tried to re-create England in North America, in both the way they tried to farm the land and how they built their homes. They were too stubborn to adopt the proven methods of the Aboriginals when it came to living here. It is a wonder they survived at all.

Later they came to make money from plantations.

EXPANDED ANSWER: In 1587 the first settlers came to Roanoke Island in what is now North Carolina. They were not religious fundamentalists. The colony failed and the survivors left the island. It is not known where they went or what happened to them although there is a strong case that at least some of them went to the Chesapeake Bay area (in Virginia, where they were supposed to go in the first place) and were later massacred by Powhatan. There is also some speculation that at least seven escaped and were later enslaved by a local tribal group.

FULL ANSWER: Colonists came to North America for a variety of reasons. The most common answer given would be for religious reasons, and this was the case for many non-Anglican religious groups who were persecuted in England - these groups included the Puritans of New England, the Quakers of Pennsylvania, and the Catholics of Maryland. However, they also came over seeking wealth, as was the case in Virginia and the Carolinas, where tobacco, sugar cane, cotton, and other cash crops were grown and sold to England. There were also a variety of other Natural Resources to be had in North America, not the least of which was timber and fur, both of which were difficult to find in England. Debtors that had been placed into prisons because of their debt were sent to Georgia, where they also made a convenient blockade between the Spaniards in Florida and England's wealthy plantation communities to the north.

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14y ago

To bring in more money. The British believed that the American colonies - what with the taxation and all of the cash crops that were able to be grown there - would bring them wealth. And by forcing them to run with all of the Acts that were thrown at them, (such as the Navigation Acts), there was really nothing the Americans could do about it.

And so, the British viewed the colonies as another source of money.

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8y ago

The British didn't really set out to colonize North America. When Jamestown was begun it was 104 men who went to look for gold and not colonize. A group of investors sent them. Plymouth happened because a small group of Puritans in one English town wanted more religious freedom so they left in 1620 for VA, but got blown off course and ended up in Mass. The Quakers came to Pennsylvania because William Penn's father was owed money by the king and to pay the debt he gave Penn a land grant. Once these groups settled in the "new world" it was seen to provide good resources and plenty of land. England was a land of very wealthy social/businessmen owning vast amounts of land and animals, but the majority of the population was hard working people in factories and for the wealthy as servants. There were rules about everything ( including what style hat men could wear to the colors of clothing) and anyone not part of the state religion of the Church of England were persecuted, so as a door opened to allow people to leave they left for a better life. Economically, it became a good deal for England because trade routes opened and goods from the colonies made the crown and others richer. The whole settlement of people was more happenstance than planning on the part of the Europeans.

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9y ago

In the eyes of the British, the American colonies existed for the economic benefit of Britain. The American Revolution started in 1765.

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