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Aside from the many other things that factor into suicide (there are many different reasons, because there is a new one for every person who has done it or tried it), being loved can drive some people crazy, to the point of suicide.

I'd tried to do it several times when I was a teen, though each of the three didn't work because I either chickened out, got my stomach pumped, or was walked in on. There were several months when I thought about it, because it seemed like my problems just kept accumulating. I had this booming social life, and fantastic grades, I was an active member or president of a couple of clubs, and for a teen I was pretty good looking. Though I also was normal, so I partied and snuck things around my family, which was another reason as to why I always felt so weighted.

So of course when you're already doing well, naturally you want to do better. So I was trying to be a complete perfectionist. Slowly, things that were outstanding in my mind started to downgrade to good, average, "wow how could this come from you," etc. Hiding such things didn't help much either. After a while I had this overwhelming feeling of total inadequacy. So I was working really hard to perfect my looks because I thought I was getting fat and misshapen. Then my grades because that A- could have been 105%, or my friends aren't talking to me enough so I have to change how I am around them to make them like me better. Eventually I reached a breaking point and all at once became this reclusive, introverted person that did nothing but sleep and go to school. I hardly talked to my family, dodged confrontation with my peers, and even stopped using mirrors all the time because I simply stopped caring about how I looked.

After about six months of this depression, my parents and friends were frequently giving their best efforts to make me have fun and stop crying or whatever. I knew they loved me, and what made it worse was that I couldn't love them back. So all I wanted to do after that was kill the monster that had taken over me. You know what happened after that.

I was in and out of the hospital for a while, and attended regular sessions with a counselor after I was physically healthy again. Even then I still had depression and I still do, and killing myself is still something that crosses my mind now and again, I've just learned how to cope with it. Knowing that your loved is something that can make you the happiest person in the world, but it's also something that can give you every reason to hate the fact that you can't give them more about you to love.

So in short, being loved and suicide are sometimes elements of the same equation.

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Unless you have lost a loved one, you will never understand the despair and distress of knowing that you will never see your loved one ever again. I will not go further into this, except to say that when my wife of almost 41 years died, two years ago, only the thought of the distress my suicide would cause my three young Grandchildren prevented me from committing suicide, which at times was very tempting.

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Q: Why do people commit suicide because of the death of a loved one?
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What was Sigmund Freud death cause?

A friend of his, Max Schur, helped him commit suicide by injecting him with morphine.

How strong is peer pressure?

It depends on the person, but to some people peer pressure is very very strong, even to the point of death. I had a friend commit suicide because his friends told him too. That is a form of peer pressure, but my brother doesn't affect what people say about him or want him to do. It depends mostly on the personality.

How are depression and suicide related?

Many people wonder if depression increases the risk of suicide and, if so, by how much. Although the majority of people who have depression do not die by suicide, having clinical depression (also known as major depression) does increase the suicide risk compared to people without depression. The risk of death by suicide may, in part, be related to the severity of the depression. New data on suicide and depression suggests that about 2 percent of those people ever treated for depression in an outpatient setting will die by suicide. Among those ever treated for depression in an inpatient hospital setting, the rate of death by suicide is twice as high (4 percent). Those treated for depression as inpatients following suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts are about three times as likely to die by suicide (6 percent) as those who were only treated as outpatients. There are also dramatic gender differences in the lifetime risk of suicide in people with depression. While about 7 percent of men with a lifetime history of the condition will die by suicide, only 1 percent of women with a lifetime history will die by suicide. Another way of thinking about depression and suicide risk is to examine the lives of people who have died by suicide and see what proportion of them were depressed. It is estimated that about 60 percent of people who commit suicide have had a mood disorder (major depression, manic depression, or dysthymia, for example). Often, younger persons who kill themselves have a substance abuse disorder in addition to being depressed.

How does a Doctor determine whether you are bipolar?

If you have thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

Is suicide permanent?

Yes it is permanent. Suicide means that you have killed yourself and death is permanent.

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