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Only 70% of all new moms will experience morning sickness. Try going to The labor of love.con/articles/when-does-nausea-start-when-pregnant/

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Q: Why do some mothers feel nausea is a sign of stable pregnancy?
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If you feel sick during your pregnancy and its unusual could you be pregnant?

If you are sick with nausea ,cramps then yes, but a cold or fever are not the sign of pregnancy.

When do you feel like vomiting after pregnancy?

Nausea during pregnancy is caused by changes in the hormone levels in the body during the early stages of pregnancy. It usually happens early on in the pregnancy.

Stomach feel cool water flowing is it a sign of pregnancy?

No. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, missed period.

What is nausia?

Nausea is a feeling that you makes you feel sick to your stomach. It usually, but not always, results in vomiting. Causes of nausea can include headache, food poisoning, motion sickness, and early pregnancy.

Are you pregnant if your period all of a sudden stops have spotting for about half an hour and then feel nausea?

sorry, if you have had a period it is unlikely you are pregnant. Nausea can be caused by so many things. Hello. Yes, you could be pregnant. Do a test in one weeks time.

How you feel in first week in pregnancy?

Knowing the first week would indicate a heightened sensitivity. The first symptom usually is nausea.

Can an IUD make you feel pregnant?

The symptoms of pregnancy - fatigue, nausea, frequent urination - are nonspecific, and women (and men) may feel them quite often without being pregnant. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

What feelings do you have if you feel nauseous?

You feel nausea and / or vomiting during third month of pregnancy. That is unpleasant feeling. But then you have the life time happiness at your hand after few months and there is your hubby to support you psychologically. Apart from this nausea, all the other nausea are totally unpleasant.

Is it possible to feel symptoms of pregnancy eg Nausea within a day or two of falling pregnant?

Yes. Your uterus is stretching causing a bit of cramping and nausea depends on the levels of hcg in your system. Some women are more sensitive to hcg than others thus they get nauseated sooner in a pregnancy.

Is it natural to feel more sexual in early pregnancy?

Some woman are tired, have sore breasts and some nausea in the first trimester; that eases up in the 2nd trimester. But not all! Some women just feel so great, that the hormones kick in and they feel more sexual thru the whole pregnancy.

What does the stomach feel like in pregnancy?

Normally, the stomach doesn't feel like much. However, when it is full (or distended), then the feeling of fullness ensues. If it is too full, stimulation of the vagus nerve can occur in such a manner as to produce a feeling of nausea. In the case of pregnancy, the expanding uterus pushes up on the stomach, often necessitating smaller, more frequent meals, in order to minimize nausea from occurring.

Can you feel signs of pregnancy before your period?

Yes - some women can. They notice an almost immediate change in their skin texture and the color of their nipples and experience nausea.