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Because, the outside is a THIN layer of \\"skin\\" that after cooked can peel away from the much THICKER \\"meat\\" of the potato. Also because, the inside is well... inside of the potato, stored away from the heat while the outside heats up first.

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Q: Why does the outside of a potato cook faster than the inside?
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The nails get hot quickly so they bake the potato

Why does the outside of a potatocook before the inside?

The radiation waves from the oven warm and cook the outside of the potato; they take longer to push past further into the inside. Jess G

Why does the outside of a potato cook before the inside?

i dunno help meThe inside cooks first because that is the area that the waves hit first.

Throw away the outside and cook inside?

Throw away the outside and cook inside... eat the outside and throw away the ear of corn.

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Because the smaller potato has less to cook than the bigger potato so there for the bigger potato has to be cooked more because the heat cant get in the potato as quickly as It can get in a small potato

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Sliced potatoes would cook faster because there is more surface area to absorb the heat

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Because metal conducts heat. Nice grammar.

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Why would you put an iron nail in a potato before putting it in the oven?

Probably to help the potato cook faster because of the heat conduction capacity of the nail. Though I would think an iron nail would rust inside the potato. I have aluminum nails that are designed for this.

Why does a potato cook faster when an iron rod is placed through it?

Iron conducts heat better than other metals so it heats up the potato faster.

Why does a metal screw make a potato Cook faster?

the metal spikes are conductors so the heat travels through them and because the spikes are in the middle of the potatoes, the heat travels to the middle of them and helps the potatoes heat up.Metal is a conductor of heat, the spikes will bring the heat to the center of the potato and cook faster than if they were not spiked.

When broiling frozen meats why should you place the meat farther away from the heat source than you would place thawed meats?

Since it is frozen, the outside will defrost faster than the inside causing the outside to cook faster. If you move it further back, you will prevent it from having a charred outside and a raw inside.