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To be a member of Jehovahs witness , you must accept their beliefs. Most, if not all Christian Churches (including Catholics, Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists etc) regard Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult as they have heretical beliefs that are not the same as the orthodox Church. They refuse to accept Jesus as divine, regard the Trinity as the work of satan, regard all other beliefs (apart from their narrow branch of religion) also as the works of the devil and base their beliefs on a misinterpreted translation of scripture that was first suggested by their founder in the 19th Century, who refused to accept all that the Church, learned people, saints, theologians, Godly Christians and so on had taught, through God's revelation and with God's blessing, for the previous 1900 years. If you became a Jehovah's Witness, you would be expected to go from door-to-door trying to get new converts. You would not be allowed to celebrate either Christmas or your birthday. If you had an operation in hospital, you would be compelled to refuse a blood transfusion, even if it was the only option of saving your life. If your child, parent, spouse or any person to whom you were next of kin was in the same situation, you would have to refuse the transfusion for them too, even if it meant that that person would die. If you do not adhere to the strict conditions laid down by the Jehovah's Witness authorities in your 'Kingdom Hall' then you would be disfellowshipped - which means that the people in your church, even your family and friends (if also Witnesses) would shun you, not speak to you and have little if anything to do with you. All-in-all the vast majority of Christians therefore regard Jehovah's Witnesses as going against everything that Christ stood for - the warm love of God for us, the enjoyment of a God-given life and the love and forgiveness that we receive from God and which we are then to share with others. a person who is a Witness of Jehovah: yes, we don't celebrate pegin Holidays. But we do celebrate Jesus' Memorial. Because he gave his life for all humans.(MT 20:28) We don't get blood transfusions because its unclean (Genesis 9:4,5; LE 17:14). And there is many other was to replace blood, and you wont have the chance of getting Ads. or other sicknesses. And we do love jesus vary much. He gave his soul in behalf of us all. If you want to learn more visit all the info you need.

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13y ago
ANSWER FROM ONE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESNobody can answer for someone else why they should adopt a particular faith, so I will not attempt to answer the question as it is worded, but rather, I will attempt to answer this question from my own viewpoint as it relates to my circumstances. So, to help answer the question above, I will attempt to answer "Why did I choose to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses?"

To say that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses because my parents were of this faith would not be true. Our faith is not a "hand-me-down" or inherited religion, as it tends to be in other faiths. Each one of Jehovah's Witnesses, in order to be a true Witness of Jehovah, must make a personal dedication in their own heart and mind, then follow through on that commitment for the duration of their life.

Each one of JW's needs to individually engage in continuous and sincere personal study of The Bible, to do as Romans 12:2says: 'prove to himself what the good and acceptable and perfect will of God is.' In doing so, each one of Jehovah's people can do as 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says, and "make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine."

Early in my life I did not do that. Even though I went to the Kingdom Hall while growing up, I had other things on my mind. I paid little attention to the opportunities I had for learning the Bible, and so when I reached adulthood, I had no spiritual foundation, absolutely no interest in spiritual things.

After experiencing many things outside my parents' home, and learning how harsh the world really is, only then did I start to think about my relationship with God. In fact, I was married and had a child on the way when my wife and I began to study the Bible.

My wife was previously a Baptist, but she decided to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses along with me. She and I made quick progress, because the Bible was no longer a mystery to either of us. In fact, my wife, even though she had attended the Baptist Church from birth, commented that she has never had such a clear view of the scriptures as she now had studying with the Witnesses.

In less than a year, we were baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses. That was in 1988, a week before I turned 23. So, one reason why I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses I would have to say, is that being one of Jehovah's Witnesses has given me a much better understanding of the Bible.

Another reason is that I now have a clear understanding of where we are in the stream of time. People often use the expression "signs of the times," without ever realizing that they are expressing something that Jesus talked about with his disciples as regards to the "end of the world." (Matthew 24:3 - King James Version)

Jehovah's Witnesses have been alerting people to the fullfillment of Jesus' prophecy found in Matthew the 24th chapter, Mark the 13th chapter, and Luke the 21st chapter for many years. That prophecy explains that the very things we are seeing in front of us on the world scene: wars, food shortages earthquakes and natural disasters, disease, lack of love among people, unpresidented crime, and things like these, are the composite sign of the end of this system of things.

JW's have also been informing people that Jesus said there this "good news" would be preached in all the earth before the end would come. (Matthew 24:14) That "good news" is God's Kingdom, about which Jesus taught us to pray for at Matthew 6:9,10. That Kingdom government will do away with all the bad conditions we see on the earth today.

Jesus taught us to pray that God's "will will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." So, just as in heaven there is no disease, crime, disasters, or death, likewise there will also be no more of these bad conditions on earth either. (Revelation 21:4)

Jehovah's Witnesses are currently active in over 235 countries all over the earth, preaching this very message in over 400+ languages, and I am happy and esteem it a great privilege to be a part of this worldwide work. That is another reason that chose to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not mix in religious practices that are from pagan sources. The Bible condemns mixing in "false" religions. (2 Corinthians 6::14,15) So, when Jehovah's people discover that a certain practice originated with a pagan religions, as is the case with Christmas and birthday celebrations, and many other activities, they reject them. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I am very happy to stay away from religious practices that the Bible calls unclean.Indeed, the truth has set me free! See John 8:32.

Jehovah's Witnesses elevate the name Jehovah to it's proper place. The oldest manuscripts of the Bible available to scholars today contain the tetragramaton indicating God's name Jehovah over 7000 times. In fact, His personal name appears in these old scrolls more than any other name. Yet, that very name has been removed from most Bible translations, replaced with the titles "LORD" and "GOD" usually inserted in all capital letters.

How would you feel if in all your important household documents (such as your deeds and titles to your car or home, your name was removed, and replaced with impersonal titles like "MAN" or "WOMAN?" You likely would not appreciate that.

Jehovah's Witnesses recognize the importance of the divine name of God, Jehovah, and make that name known throughout the world. Acts 15:14 speaks of God taking out of the nations a people "for his name." Anywhere in the world, if someone speaks freely about Jehovah, people will recognize this and connect it to the organization known as Jehovah's Witnesses. So, that is another reason why I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses: the love of and use of the divine name of our wonderful God, Jehovah.

Another reason - the intense free Bible study program that Jehovah's Witnesses have adopted. This is an in-depth Bible study course that Jehovah's Witnesses offer free of charge throughout the earth. In fact, all things come from the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses without charge.

There is no paid "clergy" class in Jehovah's Witnesses organization; all are volunteers, and all are Bible students. This is modeled after the way the original Christian congregation of the first century was set up during the time when the Apostles Paul, John, Peter and others were still on earth. There are no collections or tithes, nor have there ever been in this organization.

In fact, when my wife and I were married, there was no charge for the use of the Kingdom Hall nor any charge from the elder (minister) who conducted our wedding.

I really appreciate the on-going, in-depth study of the deep things of the Bible that Jehovah's Witnesses engage in. Right now, we are considering a verse-by-verse study of the Bible book of Revelation. Our study of Revelation is something that we have done several times over the last several years. Other recent verse-by-verse studies we have done included the books of Daniel and Isaiah.

Additional reasons why I chose to become one of Jehovah's Witness include: an understanding of why a loving God allows suffering for now, why the world is in such bad shape, what is soon to happen to it, what hope there is for those who have died, why the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ really means our salvation, why God made us and why are we here, who made the devil, and a countless number of additional important Bible topics. These answers are often unknown to people in general in the world, religious or not, but to Jehovah's Witnesses these are quite elementary Bible topics. And we would love to share them with anyone who desires to know the truth and have that life-giving knowledge. See John 17:3.

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14y ago
First, Answers by Jehovah's Witnesses

1. Because you love Jehovah, you appreciate the great sacrifice he and his Son Jesus Christ made for you, because you long to see an end to all wickedness and suffering, and because you want to share the knowledge of that hope with others.

See Realated Links section below.

2.I can tell you why I became a Jehovah's Witness, but this is something that no one can answer for you.

Each person must decide for themselves what their life course will be, and each of us bears a personal responsibility before our creator for the choice that they make or do not make.

Jehovah's Witnesses offer to anyone who wishes a free home Bible study so that they can find the answers to their questions such as the one asked here. At last report, there are about 7.1 million people who are studying with JW's, and doesn't it make sense that if you want to truly find out about something, you need to personally look into it?

If you want to find out the answer to this question and make an informed decision for yourself, contact the nearest congregation to you or request a bible study using the online form at

3. First and foremost because you sincerely love our Creator Jehovah God . This will normally only come about after much association with his people, Jehovah's Witnesses. Secondly, and from a regrettably selfish reason, because ''only Jehovah's Witnesses,.....have any hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.'' Watchtower 1/9/89 page 19. Naturally, in our imperfect state the second reason is what may motivate us at first but eventually after continued activity in his service the primary reason will take precedence.

Second, an answer by a Christian

There is every good reason not to become a Jehovah's Witness.

If you are a Jehovah's witness, then one of the reasons for becoming a member is because you want to become a member of an organisation that regards its beliefs as the one true church, and that all Christian denominations are the work of satan, as is the belief in the trinity and the divinity of Christ. Most Jehovah's Witnesses I have met in my spiritual journey through life I have found to be sincere, loving people whose evangelistic commitment (going from door to door evangelising) often puts the Christian Church to shame.

However, despite loving Jehovah's Witnesses as people as we are commanded to do by Christ, Christian Churches throughout the world regard the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses as misguided, wrong and cult-like. There are many reasons for this but the most obvious is the Witnesses' interpretation of Scripture. Despite the historical, theological and spiritual teachings of the Church over the last 2000 years, from the early Christian Church as set up by Christ himself and his followers and their successors (such as John, Paul, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen, Tertullian, Athanasius and so on), through to the Council of Nicea which formalised the Church's belief in a Trinitarian God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (as described in scripture eg Genesis 1, John 1, the end of Matthew's gospel etc) and despite the later teachings of the Church (including that of many popes, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Zwingli, Wesley and so on) the Jehovah's Witnesses still adhere to the teachings of their founder, a self-confessed charlatan called Charles Taize Russell, who denied the teachings of the Church over the previous 1900 years and formulated his own beliefs.

Another reason is the custom of Witnesses that if you wander off the narrow path they set regarding your conduct, you could be disfellowshipped - i.e. shunned by other members. Christians on the whole regard this practice as draconian, unloving and judgemental.

Therefore, if a Jehovah's Witness was asked why you should become a Jehovah's Witness he or she would give you a perfectly acceptable answer but based on the beliefs of their founder from Victorian times. If you were to ask an orthodox Christian (ie someone who can state categorically that 'Jesus is Lord' as described in the gospels, and not as a subservient 'son' of God) the same question he or she would probably say that you shouldn't become a JW, Better still to find a loving Christian church that will nurture you in your flegeling Christian beliefs, and never judge you nor shun you but welcome you with open arms.

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8y ago

You would have to use your own power of reason to decide on why you would believe any religion. First step to consider is if there is a God. Next, would be which God. Third, would be what does God want me to do.


Jehovah's Witnesses do not ask individuals to believe in THEM they seek to help people learn and understand the bible. Jehovah's Witnesses are well known for visiting their neighbours and inviting people to find answers to question from the bible. They willingly offer to discuss the bible with individuals free of charge because they believe that within its pages Almighty God has communicated a message of life and hope for mankind.

For further information as to the activities and beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses you can visit their website for a complete rundown.

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14y ago

The way you put this question was VERY offensive!

It's a religion, and the purpose is to practice a religion.

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13y ago

It's fun

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