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her home was infected with diptheria

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Q: Why was Eli not allowed to to come into contact with the residents of the Annex for six weeks?
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Why does Elli stay away from the Secret Annex for six weeks?

Elli stays away from the Secret Annex for six weeks because she contracts a contagious illness outside and she wants to avoid spreading it to the others inside.

What happen to each member of the secret annex after it is discovered?

After the secret annex was discovered, the members were arrested by the Gestapo and sent to concentration camps. Anne Frank died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945, just weeks before it was liberated. Otto Frank, Anne's father and the only survivor from the annex, returned to Amsterdam after the Holocaust.

What contact lens can be worn for two weeks at a time?

Disposable lenses can be worn for 2 weeks.

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6 weeks

In the diary of Anne Frank why had the occupants of the Secret Annex grown optimistic in their last weeks of hiding?

In their last weeks of hiding, the occupants of the Secret Annex grew optimistic because they heard positive news about the Allied forces advancing in the war. They believed that the end of the war was near and that they would soon be liberated.

What year did the soviet union forcibly annex Lithuania?

USSR forcibly took over Lithuania in the summer of 1940, then Estonia and Latvia a few weeks later.

When did Anne Frank get her diary in the play?

In the play, Anne's father gives her the diary on the day that they move into the annex. In reality, she received it as a birthday present a few weeks before.

When does the movie Devil comes out in theaters?

it comes out in 2 weeks, no Jews allowed

Do you brush your teeth after a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy?

No, it's not allowed for at least 2 weeks after.

How was Anne Frank's family able to go into hiding at the secret annex?

Otto worked in the building and knew that it was not in their friends took their things there for weeks and they took some themselves.

Can you have intercourse after pregnancy?

It is usually safe to have intercourse 6 weeks after pregnancy. If you are still unsure or uncomfortable after 6 weeks, contact your doctor.

When are baby rabbits first allowed outside with their mother?

3 weeks or more but not with the father