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Adam & Eve were not robots (data in/data out) they were human. Jesus made clear that sin was not just what was done with the hands, the mouth or the feet, but it was a condition of the heart. That is why the Pharisees, even though they did not outwardly "break the Law" sought to kill him.

We CAN compare Adam & Eve to our current environment, because sin is not based upon "learning". Adam & Eve had a choice "Is what I know about God enough to trust what I do not know about God?" In other words, when tempted they had to decided if it was God's character to withhold goodness from them. Either what they knew about God, His creativity, His love of beauty, His provision for their needs, was enough for them to be able to trust His heart or it wasn't.

They could either seek life apart from God, attempt to make a way for themselves. Or they could trust that God had provided for them the best way.

Utimately they sought to find "life" apart from God. It was the distrust of God's heart that began the seperation. It is this same distrust that makes us look for flaws in God's character today. If God was a bad parent (the matchbox example) or if The Bible is false in referencing Adam as the first sinner, then we feel right in not having to deal with our own sin or look to God for redemption.

Yes, Adam is to blame for the first sin. Yes, I am to blame for my sin. Only faith could move me to begin to trust in the heart of God.


Since Adam & Eve were the first humans, they don't have parents, teachers, social & cultural groups, religious leaders, political leaders to learn from. In short, their minds were blanks. For them God and Devil are mere strangers. There were nobody to warn them not to talk to either strangers. They have no concept of good or evil.

For God to put the tree of Knowledge and the tree of Life in the garden, then commanded them not to touch it is like putting a matchbox in the middle of the room, then command an innocent child not to play with it.


A prudent parent will not spread rat-poison in the room and command the child not to eat it. Note in this scenario, the child already recognized the parent as "his parent."

No, Adam & Eve were not to blame for the fall of man.


Adam was born knowing how to name all the animals; he had language skills. Plus, God walked with him regularly. Thus, the notion that their minds were blank slates doesn't seem to hold water.

Since Adam & Eve have not eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge, then they have no knowledge of what's good and what's evil, which can only be learned by experience.


Adam and Eve had the same simple choice that we have today. They could do what they wanted to do, or they could do what God wanted them to do. Adam was not a blank slate. God had spoken with him before creating Eve. Adam knew that God was his creator. Adam knew the blessings of daily fellowship and communion with God. What Adam and Eve learned when they disobeyed was what it was like to break that relationship with God and loose that communion.

God came to fellowship with them in the cool of the evening. They were hiding from him because they had experienced disobeying God. The amazing thing is that God still loved them and provided a way to renew that relationship, so that they could walk together again.


On; "Adam and Eve had the same simple choice that we have today.",

We cannot compare Adam & Eve with us today. We have something to learn from and it took decades before we discern God from Devil, good from Evil. Adam & Eve, being the first humans, have nobody or nothing to learn from. How long does it takes for intelligence to evolve?


In the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 we can read "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." By this saying, Adam knew the difference between right and wrong. "He was told"

Having received the commandment from God, it was then a test of faith and obedience that Adam not listen to any other voices. On the other hand, Adam knew God personally for he talked with God in the garden. He knew Him personally ... that is why it is said that he was "cut off from the presence of God" when he disobeyed and was no longer innocent before God.
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Q: Why were Adam and Eve blamed for the first sin when they had no experiential knowledge and did not know about good or evil?
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