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Why Diet Pop FloatsThings that are less dence than water float, and those more dense than water sink. Empty cans float, rocks sink. This happens because of density. Regular soda is heavier than the Diet Soda which makes one float and one sink. that show how mass and volume are different.

Mass means how much stuff can fit in an object. If something is heavier, it has more mass. Volume means how much space an object takes up. both cans have the same volume, the heavier can has the greatest mass (More dense).

Most of the diet sodas usually contain Aspartame, artificial sweetener. regular sodas have sugar. Most regular sodas have about 41 grams of sugar. Diet soda is flavored with artificial sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. sugar and aspartame are denser than water.

Why do cans of diet soda float? It is because there is a little bit of space filled with gas, which is much less dense than the soda. Sugared drinks still have this headspace, but the excessive amounts of sugar added makes the can denser than water.

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They will both float. TT Cullen:)

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Regular pop is sweetened with sucrose and / or high fructose corn syrup and so will have more calories than diet pop. However, the sweeteners in diet pop still give you a taste for sweet things so you may end up eating just as many calories in the rest of your diet.

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No, it will float in vinegar or salt though. Coke is not dense enough to make an egg float.

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Because a regular coke is more dense and has more sugar. A diet coke has more sugar

Does diet pop have more carbonation than regular?

i think it does because it is reaplaced by carbonation and regular pop is filled with suger.