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i would not suggest this

maybe adding the recommended amount of a fertilizer/plant food though if you want improved growth plants actually like vinegar and other slightly acidic fluids.

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Q: Will a plant watered with something other than water eg vinegar or milk become greener than one watered with plain water?
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Generally it means that you cook something for example vinegar, you boil it in a pan you get less amount of vinegar, but it become thicker.

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The easiest way is to keep them well watered, greens which are not keep well watered dry out quickly and become crusty, therefore they become hard and fast.

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It depends on how long it is in the vinegar but the egg will lose a layer of its skin and become very fragile. It will also become bouncy. Why not trie it!!!!

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Can the bone be bent after baking it in the oven?

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