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only if three years have elapsed since the end of probation

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Q: You got a withhold of judication in Florida for a felony case can you still buy a firearm?
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If you got withhold of judication in Florida for a felony case will it show up on a background check for a job?

If you get withold of judication in Florida for a felony case will it show up on a background check for a job?

What class of felony is possession of a firearm while on probation in the sate of Florida?


If you break in a home and steal a firearm what felony is this?

it is considered a class D felony to steal, or withhold from it's rightful owner, a firearm. this charge will be added to the charges brought up for the B n' E

After 20 year felony can you own a firearm in florida?

If a person has a felony you cannot own a gun. It does not matter how long you have had the felony.

Can you own a firearm with a 3rd degree felony in Florida?

Not in Flordia, nor in any other state.

Can someone have a firearms with 0784.03 in Florida or work in security?

No. That is a felony, which is a bar to possessing a firearm ANYWHERE in the US.

Can i own a gun in Florida with a non conviction felony?

(note I am not a lawyer) You can not own a firearm in Florida with a felony on your record, however if it is a non-conviction, and is your only offense, you may be able to get a lawyer to seal/expunge your record and get your rights restored. This does cost between $600 and $2000 depending on complexity of the case.

Carry gun in Florida with felony?

It is generally illegal for someone with a felony conviction to carry a firearm in Florida. Felons are prohibited from possessing or owning firearms under both federal and state laws, including carrying a concealed weapon. Violating these laws can result in serious criminal charges and penalties.

Can a non convicted felody carry a gun?

In Florida you may possess a firearm if you have not been convicted of a felony. Koberlein Law Offices, PLLC - Columbia County, Florida & Suwannee County, Florida

Can you still purchase a firearm if you have a felony ajudication withheld in fl.?

You need a lawyer that practices in Florida. If you are pending final outcome of the case, no.

Can a person with a felony purchase a shotgun in Florida?

A felon cannot purchase or possess a firearm of any type. This goes for every state

Is discharging a firearm in a public place a felony or misdemeanor?
