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Q: You squeezed a wart will you get cancer?
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My cat has a wart on its back and i heard you can tie a string around the wart so it can fall off can you do this to cats?

You shouldn't unless you for sure know its a wart. It could be o ther things too like cancer so you should get it checked out. if it is a virus or cancer, breaking it could make it spread.

Can a wart on the knee cause cancer on the knee? cant! :)

A small bump on the skin change one letter?

The real answer is wart

Can I get rid of a wart myself?

There are many home remedies available for wart removal such as Dr. Shoals. However, it is strongly recommended to have your mole examined by a licensed health care practitioner as moles can be a sign of cancer.

Can a wart on the gum be an Oral Cancer?

Yes, it can. The only way to absolutely rule out cancer is to have a dentist or oral surgeon perform a minor surgery called a biopsy. In a biopsy, the area is numbed with local anesthetic and the 'wart' is either totally or partially removed. The removed tissue is then sent to a pathology lab where a pathologist looks at the tissue under a microscope to determine if cancer is present.

What is a sentence for wart?

She has a wart on her arm.He couldn't stop looking at her wart.

If you squeeze warts does pus ever come out?

warts are caused by HPV, human papiloma virus, that might be contagious within the first or two years of initial infection. Warts typically cannot be squeezed nor be popped out. Im not sure what wart you are referring to but if it's the adult wart types (i.e. genital wart) it can't be popped out nor be squeezed. A wart should grip to your skin, like a rock, and it can only be popped out after you apply some acid to it. Even then, you have to forcefully squeeze it out. If you squeeze it gently like an acne, it's impossible the suspected wart was really wart. Most likely it's folliculitis (infected ingrown hair by bacteria) or other common infections. It can also be herpes or molluscum contagiosum. Any skin infection that's too small and too mild is sometimes hard to differ, you have to go to a dermatologist and get a biopsy. Keep in mind, HPV can be cleared up by your own antibody within 1-2 years time, sometimes takes longer like 3-4 years. Before then, expect your wart to keep coming back once every few weeks or few months.

Is a wart a parasite?

A wart is a virus.

What is wart in German?

wart = Warze

Can you get a wart on your arm?

yes you can you can get a wart anywhere

Are warts cancerous?

A wart is what we call a tumour. Warts are rarely cancerous but then again, there is still that small chance. If you think it is an unusual sort of wart, visit your doctor.

What does it mean if you have a wart whit hairs growing on them?

In some cases its natural. Do not put wart remover on the wart when it has hairs in them, it will affect the wart & you will not want the ending results.