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Well, a high protein diet is considered a gram per pound of body weight but I personally think you could gain muscle with a bit more than 100 grams of protein.

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Q: You weigh 145 pound and am 16 years old how much protein should you be consuming a day so you gain muscle?
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How much protein is needed?

How much protein someone needs depends on his or her goals. Some experts say that a person who strength trains to gain muscle mass should eat one gram of protein for every pound of body weight every day. For average people, .36 grams per every pound is sufficient.

How much protein do you need if you are working out daily?

For a woman, she should get about 1.2 grams of protein per pound a day, whereas a man should get about 1.3-1.4 grams in the same manner for either gender to build or tone muscles. The average person needs about 0.8 grams per pound a day (sedentary) or 1 gram per pound a day (active); the same basic amount of protein would suffice as the minimum amount of protein a man or woman needs to get muscle is 1 gram per pound.

How many grams of protein should a 230-235 lb man eat when he is working out to build muscle and lose weight?

230 A trainer at our local gym says 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

Does whey protein build good muscle or is it water wight?

Whey protein is a good source of protein, it has all the essential amino acid (the ones your body can't produce), amino acids its what repairs muscle tissue, in order to build muscle you need to do hypertrophy excercises and take 1~2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.Whey protein by itself will not build muscle, but is a good kind of protein like eggs or chicken, the difference is that Whey has a faster absorbtion.

Why cant you get bigger muscle?

Diet is a huge part of workout. A person should have 1.5 grams of protein per pound per day. A 200lb guy should eat 300 grams of protein a day. Also, it should be split up between six meals. Lots of working out means you need lots of calories.

Does soy helps building muscle?

Yes, because soy is a good source of protein. You need about a gram of protein to each pound of body weights when trying to add muscle. Soy is also good because it is very low fat, helping to keep you lean.

You are 14 years old you play football basketball and lift weights you are 6 feet 3 inches and weigh 160 pounds how much protein should you take a day protein intake?

Eat one gram of protein for each pound of lean body mass, this puts you in muscle building mode all day everyday

How much protein should a 180 pound male eat a day?

depends what your doing in life. if you workout, at least half of your body weight. if your trying to put on muscle, the one gram for every pound you weigh. the normal diet calls for around 54 or something close to that number. you can only digest roughly 60 some grams of protein every 2 to 3 hours.

Who needs more protein?

The amount of protein someone should have depends on their weight, and also whether or not they're trying to lose weight. A 150 pound person should have 68 grams of protein. There are calculators and equations online that tell you how much your protein intake should be.

Strongest muscle in the body?

Pound for pound, the tongue.

Should a weight gaining diet be focused on calories or protein?

It should focus on both. While calories alone will cause you to gain weight, pretty much regardless of protein content, a modest amount of protein can help promote an increase in lean muscle mass, especially when combined for resistance exercise. Roughly 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day (~.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight for the metrically challenged) is about the highest that's been shown in studies to be effective.

What effect does moderate exercise have on protein needs?

Very little. It's best to consult with your physician before making any major changes to your diet. A good starting point for protein intake is 1 gram for every 1 pound of lean muscle mass. So, if you weigh 200 lbs. and are carrying 50 pounds of fat, aim for consuming about 150 grams of protein daily. It's best to spread your intake across all your feedings and obtain your protein from natural sources (such as grass-fed beef or wild-caught salmon). .