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My dog is the same. I do not know what causes this. She is a rescue, so we can only guess. But this is how I get her to eat.
I buy a powdered dog vitamin (Google for where to buy) and add it to boiled chicken, rice or oatmeal, and frozen or canned green beans, peas, or carrots or a mixture of all three. I boil the veggies with the chicken in water. Then make the rice in the stock. I get the chicken at bulk supermarkets like costco. It comes out to be the same price or cheaper than canned food.
I leave the container of this mixture in the refrigerator and dole it out at meal times. I make enough for a week at a time. I add the vitamins right before she eats.
Sometimes instead of boiling chicken, I add the vegetables to ground turkey or beef and make a meatloaf. Then I make rice on the side and serve a slice of the vegetable meatloaf with some rice.
A good snack to make a dog gain weight is chicken hearts. I find them in the meat section at the supermarket. They are cheap and the dogs love them. Gizzards are also great, but I always chop them up into bite size pieces. I boil the chicken hearts first and keep them in a container in the refrigerator.
The main thing is doing this takes time. It's not too bad if you do it on the weekends. Also, you know exactly what goes in the food and you can get these ingredients for not too much money. Sometimes I eat some myself (but without the dog vitamin of course)!
Hope you try this. If she doesn't like this, you still have a good pot of chicken soup.
Good luck!

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