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Maybe your filter is not doing its job properly, is not 'cycled', or is too small for the tank. Maybe you have too many inches of fish in the tank. The rule is "1 inch of fish needs 1 gallon of water". My advice. The fish are gasping for breath at the surface because there is either insufficient Oxygen in the water or too much Ammonia or Nitrite in the water. Large (100%) water changes are required in either case. Failure by owners to perform water changes regularly and overstocking are the commonest causes of many fish dying needlessly.

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Q: Your goldfish keep going to top of aquarium to gulp air and you dont know why you have plenty of filtration nd air pumping in it?
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What are basic needs for a goldfish?

Goldfish are a coldwater fish. They thrive in cooler water. So there is no need for a heater in most cases. First you must start with dechlorinated water. Some aquarium salt. Simple goldfish food. Goldfish like vegataion some freshwater plants couldn't hurt. Goldfish are very simple and easy to keep. Just don't overfeed. It all depends on the size of you aqaurium, bowl, or pond.

How big does your tank have to be for a black moor fish?

A Black Moor goldfish needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons if they are going to thrive. This is because goldfish are essentially pond fish, so they need plenty of space to swim around. A tank smaller than 30 gallons will lead to an overall unhappy, unhealthy pet.

What to do for the quick growth of goldfish?

Give it plenty of space and feed 3 times a day

What is the common name of goldfish?

Goldfish is the common name for a freshwater fish.You have several different types of goldfish two examples:Commons. and Shubunkins plus plenty is a picture of different breeds of goldfish.

How do you take care of an Oscar fish?

Large aquarium, plenty of food, well filtered, proper oxygenation, adequate housing.

How many goldfish can i put in a small pond that holds 1000 gallon's?

Goldfish need plenty of room to swim around and get very large. In a 1000 gallon pond you could put 25-50 goldfish just keep in mind that goldfish grow very large and need about 20-30 gallons each when full grown.

When can you transfer your goldfish from indoors to outdoors?

I will suppose when you mean "outdoors" you mean of an outdoor pond in your backyard or something like that. I believe it will really be the same process as when you introduce goldfish to a new home right after when you buy them fresh from the petstore. Here a few steps to how to do it (I think):Get a transparent plastic bag or something like that of the sort.Go to your goldfish aquarium, or where your goldfish were previously.Carefully insert the bag into the aquarium, trying not to stress your fish out.Carefully let your fish into the bag without agitating them until you have all your goldfish int he bag or bags.Tie a knot on the top of the bag to make sure the goldfish don't jump out (if they can) or even if the bag accidently slips from your hand (Which will be terribly bad for your goldfish) everything won't just spill out (which would be a disaster).Carefully take your bag full of goldfish to the outdoor pond.Float the bag onto the water of the outdoor pond.Leave the bat half-submerged into the water for 20 minutes or more. This step if crucial, since your goldfish will be terribly surprised if they suddenly go into a weird environment or different temperature (and goldfish don't like surprises).Untie the bag.Slowly either poor the water out or let the goldfish go out of the untied bag themselves.Before doing step #10, make sure the extra water from the bag doesn't overflow your outdoor pond and that you have plenty of space for the excess water to enter.You are done!If you have other fish like koi or bigger fish in the pond, examine carefully, because the koi or bigger fish could harass the usually smaller sized fish around, and if this is true, I suggest that you take the goldfish out and put them into another home, because being harassed will stress the goldfish out.I hope I have been some help, and good luck transporting your goldfish to the outdoors! =)

How do you remove ick from your clown pleco?

I think the treatment is tetracycline hydracloride but ask an aquarium expert at your pet store before buying it. there are plenty of Ick cures out there.

What temperature does an aquarium have to be at?

Aquarium water should never be hot; depending on the type of fish you keep, the temperature will vary.Goldfish for example are best in 75F, but a betta prefers 80F. Do plenty of research about the fish you are considering for your tank before going out & buying anything.

Is it ok to have 5 goldfish in a 20 gallon tank?

One goldfish can live in a 20 gallon tank, plus an additional 10 gallons per goldfish that you would like to add (40 gallons for 3 goldfish).This may sound like a lot to people, but goldfish can grow very large, and they are very messy fish which produce a high amount of waste.You need ample filtration, and regular weekly water changes of at least 50% to keep the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates at safe levels.

You put your 2 fantailed goldfish in a 50 gallon tank and expected them to grow rapidly However it has been over a month and they have not grown much How long will it take them to grow into their tank?

Give it time, goldfish grow very slowly. It may take up to 3 years for a goldfish to reach adult size. Your fantails probably have grown, it's just been so subtle that you haven't noticed. Another way you could get them to grow quicker is to, instead of feeding them once or twice a day, feed them three times a day. Small goldfish's abdomens can't hold as much food at a single time as say a larger goldfish, so feeding them plenty of small meals throughout the day, will ensure they are getting plenty of nutrition.

How long will it take your 1 inch goldfish to double in size?

Given warm water (60F) good food and plenty of room to grow and swim in, a goldfish can reach 3 inches+ in 12 months from hatching. In good conditions to go from 1" to 2" would be around 3 months.