

Your goldfish tail broke off will it grow back?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It probably will, but as long as it is alive and healthy don't worry about it.

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Q: Your goldfish tail broke off will it grow back?
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Will a goldfish grow a part of its tail back after it was eaten?

sorry, i dont think so. If we have an arm amputated does it grow back?. no so the answer is no

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No it won't die it's just natrul for it to come of but it will grow back

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No. A chameleon's tail does not grow back.

Do baby goldfish loose their tail then grow a new one?

no mine died after that happened

Why is my black goldfish's tail turning white?

Having your goldfishes tail turn white could mean your goldfish is sick but it could also just be new tail growth.When goldfish grow new tail tissue it may appear white or grayish.This usually happens when a goldfish isn't fully grown .If it is new tail growth than it will be on the end and tips of the fish's tail not the whole tail.

Will a goldfish tail grow back the same and look the same after it has been torn off?

Given good food and correct water conditions the tail will grow back but it will always bare the scars of repair just like if you had major damage there will be scars. It's the same with most living things.

If a guppy gets its tail cut off will the tail grow back?

yes it will grow back so don't worry

What if your iguana broke his tail off and growing back but its black will it turn back green?

Probably not, the usual causes of iguanas tails turning black is because the tank is not warm enough, you will most likely have to take it to a vet to have the tail snipped.

Will a parakeets tail grow back?

Yes your bird's tail feathers will grow back. They will begin to grow back when your bird begins molting.

Will your goldfish grow a part of its tail back after it was eaten?

If they tail have been damages up to the body it is less common for it to grow back. If the tail is damaged only partly then yes, it will grown back but it may not be as perfect as it was before.

Will a lizard die if its tail fell off?

No, a tail falling off of a lizard or gecko is just a defense mechanism and will eventually grow back. The tail falls off due to grabbing or pulling it, and the lizard or gecko will intentionally let go of it. Although it will grow back, it will not be as pretty and colorful as its original tail.

What do you call grow its tail back?
