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if it is a boy then take it away from them because it will start to eat the two week old babies but if it is a girl then i do not know!

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Q: Your hamster is fighting with her 2 week old babies what should you do?
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How long do female hamsters have to be pregnant to have babies?

well if you are interested in breeding hamsters. I herd that you should leave a boy hamster in the cage with the girl hamster for 2 week then take him out then she should have them in 30 days or less. :)

Will 3 week old dwarf hamster babies eat the newborn dwarf hamster babies?

My hamsters baby's were nearly 4 weeks old when we found she had given birth to more babies and they seemed to protect them with mum

How long until you can sell your teddy bear hamsters?

If its because your hamster had babies, then I'd say around a month old is when you should, maybe give the babies another week or two, to get to know the world.

How long does it take for a hamster to make babies?

about a week.......if not it will be in a short amount of time

Can a hamster die of lonelyness?

No a hamster cannot die of lonelyness because they are supposed to live by themselves unless it is a mom with her less than 6 week old babies..

Can you hold baby hamster babies if there a week old?

No I would wait until they are at least one month old.

How soon after the hamster has given birth can you clean the house with the babies in?

Once the babies have become independent and are not feeding off the mother. If you handle the babies or put your scent in the cage before this time, the mother will eat the babies.

How often should you wash the hamster cage?

3 times a week

What to do with a 3 week baby hamster?

seperate them straight away because they can either breed with each other and have deformed babies or they will fight to death and you will end up with dead babies!

What time would hamsters give birth?

At around midnight, or the evening. If your talking about when, like, when... well, only if a male hamster did it with the female hamster, then would the female have babies. Then it would be almost instantly she would have babies, well, maybe a week or 2, but yeah.

What happens if you breed a ruby-eyed hamster with a black-eyed hamster?

you may get babies of either eye color, or a combo. they had a really cute hamster in the pet store last week that had one ruby eye and one black eye.

How do you interact with your hamster?

You should take your hamster out of its cage a few times a week, or even every day if you want to. You can put him/her in their hamster ball, a hamster playpen, or just hold them. There are a lot of ways to interact with your hamster.