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The driver who caused the accident is At Fault. However, since that person has no insurance, you would have to sue them in court for damages. Chances are if they have no money for insurance they also will not have any money to pay a court fine or court ordered award to you.

Since your policy expired, the total accident then becomes No Fault/No Fault for both parties and everyone walks away sustaining their own damages and the methods for financing their own repairs.

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Q: Your uncle was driving a vehicle that is in your name and was in an accident The other driver hit him He has no insurance on the vehicle although he bought it from me. My policy is expired?
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If you have an expired license and get into an accident will your insurance pay the claim if your policy is paid?

If you have a current insurance policy and are in a car accident, but have an expired license, it is up to the insurance company if they will pay the claim or not. It could be in their clause not to, if a person does not have a valid drivers license, especially if you are the one at fault.

What happens when both parties of an accident have the same insurance carrier but the driver who was not at fault had expired plates in Wisconsin?

Your expired plates should not cause an insurance claim to be paid.

You have a good track record with regards to your drivers license and if you had an accident with an expired drivers license and renewed it the next day after the accident will the insurance pay out?

If you were driving with an expired drivers license they will not insure you so if they find out you are up s--t creek. what they may do is ask you for your drivers license record up to date and then they will spot it. If you are lucky they wont. However they have not paying insurance down to a fine art.

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you will get a ticket and probably get your license suspended for longer and insurance will probably not cover the accident b/c you were driving with a suspended license but of course this is just one scenario

How can you get someone's auto insurance information if they are at fault and left the scene of the accident?

If they left the scene of the accident, then you don't have their name either ... need to have a name before trying to find out insurance information. Chances are, the person who "hit and run" has no insurance and probably was driving without a license and/or expired car registration. This is why insureds carry uninsured motorist coverage.

You were hit by a car while driving your boyfriend's car the tags on his car had expired three days earlier will insurance cover his car?

Most likely, yes. Most insurance companies ask for two months in advance when you get insurance. Just because his tags expired doesn't mean he was not insured at the time of the accident. However, if you are not insured on his policy they may not cover you.

Dose your insurance go up for driving a vehicle with an expired sticker?

Not usually, your insurance generally goes up when you have a moving violation.

Does insurance still cover a claim for damages when not at fault and hit by an uninsured motorist if the vehicle's registration is expired at the time of the accident?

yes the coverage is effective even though the registration is expired.

Who is at fault when driving someones car with expired ins and registration?

The person who owns the car is responsible for license, insurance and registration. You are required to have your own insurance.

What is the penalty of driving with expired insurance but my car is still insured and it was just the card that is expired?

It is same as driving without the insurance, need to renew the policy before it's expiry date.There shouldn't be lapse in the current policy,has to be renewed when it's about to expire to maintain its continued validity as current policy.

Does your auto insurance stay valid if you crash with an expired license?

Most insurance companies will specify that the driver must be 'road legal'. That means a valid driving licence for the vehicle must be held, an expired licence is not a 'valid' licence.

If you get caught driving in the state of KY with expired tags what happens?

The only thing that will happen if you are caught driving with expired tags in Kentucky, is a fine of 143 dollars. No points will be added to your insurance and there is no risk of license suspension or jail time.Ê