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Laury Roob

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How many grams of carbs are recommended per day

you should aim for about 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day.

Is bright yellow urine normal

It's not necessarily a danger sign. You may be simply offloading a high concentration of vitamin C (which, when you over-consume, simply dumps the excess to the urine), or betacarotene, the precursor to vitamin A, and the coloring agent in lots of orange fruits and veggies such as carrots or cantaloupe. Also, a lot of the B-vitamins can have this exact effect. If the urine is clear, this is a good sign and makes the vitamin density the most likely explanation.

It could also mean that you're somewhat dehydrated and you're expelling very rich urine. In that case - rehydrate! :} Note that this works better with liquids that have some electrolytes in them - some salts. These include sports drinks like Gatorade, various juices (such as orange, pineapple or tomato), or simply drinking water and having a banana or two (high in potassium - an electrolyte).

Far less common are cases of kidney problems. But if this is a new phenomenon for you, and has no other symptoms, I wouldn't worry unless it persists.

I would definitely rather be excreting excess vitamins in my bright yellow (normal) urine, than having clear urine and vitamin-starved body cells.

More comments from WikiAnswers contributors:

  • Asparagus is another veggie that will make your urine bright yellow. Drink lots of water (8 glasses a day) and that will help to flush out the kidneys.

    Bright yellow urine can mean that your body is dehydrated and also it can mean you are highly acidic. Yellow urine indicates that a person is able to flush out acids stored in the body or that a person's body is not able to process the food that he is eating. If it is the first situation it is good. If it is second situation it is bad. Liver does not get any water if taken with meals or shortly afterward. Such water is flushed out of the body faster. One should drink 1 hour before meals to be able to get the water to the liver. Except for this period one should not drink water. Drinking one hours before meals will help water to stay in the body for a longer period and work on the acids and toxins for a longer time.

    Taking certain vitamins will turn your urine intensely yellow.

  • Urine should be almost clear in color, if you're drinking enough clear fluids. The less you drink, the darker your urine will become, and some medications will affect urine color. If you're not taking meds, then up your water intake; drinking cranberry juice also helps the kidneys to flush any toxins which can lead to urinary tract infections.

    Water, water and more water! Six 8 oz. glasses a day is what is good for you, but even 4-5 will make a difference.

  • To add, it is usually the B Vitamins, found either in multivitamins or as a additional supplement, that can make urine bright yellow or even orange. Other medications, such as ones for urinary tract infections, can do the same thing (such as phenazopydidine, AZO-standard, etc.). Read the information the pharmacy gives along with any prescription medication you are taking to see if this is a common side effect of them. Otherwise, you can certainly see a physician if you are concerned.

    Although this is a commonly mentioned "fact" in the news, there is no scientific evidence behind the "8 glasses of water a day" theory.

  • Before you spend a bunch of money on supplements (many of which are useless), try drinking more water. Urine is yellow because the major waste product of the blood, bilirubin converts to urobilin in the kidneys. Urobilins are yellow. Drinking more water will dilute your urine and it will appear clearer.
  • While it is true that many are re-thinking the "8 glasses a day theory," it is also true that not being properly hydrated can cause urine that is bright yellow in color. B Vitamins and other medications can also cause discolored urine. Pay attention to your fluid intake (and remember to drink before you feel thirsty), and you should see a change in color.
Is it better to take a shower in the morning or at night

I prefer to shower at night because then I wash off all the sweat from the day and get into bed feeling clean and comfy.

How can you protect yourself and others from viruses and flu

Generally keeping a healthy lifestyle helps fight diseases in your body as they naturally enhance your white blood cells to combat any unwanted disease in the body. Boosting your immune system may require you to, stay active, eat clean and whole foods, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink 2–3 L of water per day, get 8 hours of sleep at night, start a hot/cold therapy (sauna), reduce toxin load, use elderberry syrup, take vitamin C (does not prevent, but reduces severity and length of illness)etc.

All of these things will help tremendously.

Not sure i'm allowed to paste links here but if you need more health education, guidance and products, do check out this link on your browser bit. ly/3t6V52 without the spaces between, or send us a mail as well at myhealthmywealth101 @gmail com again without the spaces between.

For a flu like virus especially COVID-19 ultimately the best way is to never leave your house but we all have a life to live so the best ways to mitigate exposure from infection is to: avoid touching you face as much as possible, wash your hands and/or use alcohol sanitizer, wear a face mask to protect against droplets in the air that may have viruses which i could recommend an N95 which is medically secure but sometimes are not the most comfortable to wear, minimize in closed areas where large groups of people gather. Hospitals are the worst so think twice before going to an ER unless you feel you really need too. Maintain adequate hydration and nutrition.

Avoid airway irritants like smoking that impair your ability to expel mucous from your trachea. However If you find yourself coughing/sneezing then please do so into your arm, a handkerchief, etc to block the spread of droplets to people around you.

You also find out more about WHO's recommendations for getting vaccinated by checking their public advice page on COVID-19 vaccines.

For more health education, guidance and products, do check out this link on your browser bit. ly/3t6V52 without the spaces between, or send us a mail as well at myhealthmywealth101 @gmail com again without the spaces between.


What are the 8 comprehensive school health program

These guidelines address the eight separate components of the comprehensive school health program: school environment; health education; health services; physical education; counseling, guidance and mental health; school food and nutrition services; worksite health promotion; and integration of school and community ...

Is using hand sanitizer just as good as washing your hands

Not really. Obviously, sanitizer is better than nothing, but washing your hands is preferable in a variety of circumstances.

There are certain kinds of germs that sanitizers aren’t great at getting rid of, and many people don’t use them properly (not using enough or wiping it off prematurely, for example). Hand washing is also a better option when your hands are visibly greasy or dirty, and it’s much better at getting rid of harmful chemicals like pesticides.

However, hand washing isn’t always convenient, and there are so many cute and good-smelling hand sanitizers in the world, it would be a shame to forsake them entirely. If you use hand sanitizers, you want one with at least 60 percent alcohol for maximum effectiveness.

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