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they dont have Video Games and stuff like that !>?


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Q: 'Compare and contrast the Aztec culture and modern culture?
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What Mesoamerican culture had its capital at Tenochtitlan where modern day Mexico City is located?

The Aztec civilization

What characteristics of Aztec culture would modern Americans find most uncivilized?

their religious ceremonies

How does Aztec effect modern society?

The Aztecs were a part of the ancient society. Currently, this ancient culture has no effect on modern day society.

Name two groups that influenced modern Mexican culture?

Spanish settlers; Aztec and Mayan civilizations.

Is Aztec culture a civilized culture?


What remains of the Aztec empire today?

Today, the Aztec empire is remembered through archaeological sites such as Tenochtitlan (modern-day Mexico City) and through descendant communities in Mexico who preserve their culture and traditions. The influence of Aztec art, architecture, and language can also be seen in modern Mexican society.

Which Mesoamerican culture had its capital at Tenochtitlan where modern day Mexico City is located?

The Mexica or Aztec qualify as such. They founded their capital city, Mexico-Tenochtitlan on June 20, 1325.

Where was the center of the Aztec culture?

The center of Aztec culture was in the city of Tenochtitlan, located on an island in Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico. Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec Empire and served as the political, economic, and religious center of the civilization.

Did the Aztec culture have electricity?


Who built the Aztec culture?

Tenoch was an Aztec King between 1347 - 1366, according to a legend he was guided to the place by a legend and there he built Technotitlán, also the start of the Aztec culture.

What culture were the Aztecs a part of?

The Aztecs was THE culture. They were not part of any other culture.

Were all the Aztec subjects of Aztec culture?

No, the slaves were of different cultures sometimes