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Turn your key on-off-on-off-on and count the blinks from the check engine light... The First number will blink with short pauses between the blinks, then a longer pause, then the second number will blink... All of those Chryslers end with code 55 or if you have no codes you will only have code 55... So if the check engine light blinks 5 times, then a pause, then 5 times; that's code 55 which means, "end of message" or no codes... If it blinked 3 times then a long pause then 1 time, it would be code 31... You can easier check on the internet for the code definitions for a Chrysler... Now if you have codes, then fix them first... If you have no codes or a code that has to do with the EGR valve... Then you may need an EGR position sensor or a new EGR valve... somtimes EGR valves will trigger a MAP sensor code as well... It's not too hard to change it if your pretty handy... I had the same problem with my 1993 minivan with a 3.3 engine and it ended up being the EGR valve after I changed a bunch of other stuff... I went to the junkyard for mine ($20) as a new one is around $160.

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