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Q: 1 Why do you think Joseph McCarthy retained creditability with the American people even though he never made public this list of Communists working in the State Department?
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Where did McCarthy first announce that the state department was infested with communists?

at a campaign rally

Senator Joseph McCarthy rose to prominence by?

The State Department had been infiltrated by Communists. The Red Scare. Joseph McCarthy was responsible for the anti-American trials of several prominent American citizens he believed were subversive communists.

Who claimed to have the names of over 200 State Department employees who were communists.?

Joseph McCarthy

Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list that contained over 200 communists working for which executive department?

State Department

Which was a lie used by Senator McCarthy to rise to prominence?

The State Department had been infiltrated by Communists.

In what ways did Joseph McCarthy violate American values in his search for communists?

anti-American trials of several prominent American citizens he believed were subversive communists

In 1950 who made the allegation that 205 state department officials were card carrying communists?

Joseph mccarthy

Who did Joseph McCarthy go after?

He believes there were communists in the State Department and the Army. His main target was Alger Hiss.

Claimed to have the names of over 200 State Department employees who were communists.?

Joseph McCarthy

Who did Senator Joseph McCarthy go after?

He believes there were communists in the State Department and the Army. His main target was Alger Hiss.

Joseph McCarthy created the media frenzy that began his witch hunt by?

Saying that he had a list of Communists employed by the State Department

Senator joseph McCarthy gained national prominence with his accusation that?

-that the State Department, and other agencies of government, were overrun with communists…